Date: 24th December 2017 
Run: 2021


Hare: Strawberry4Skin
Scribe: Strawberry4Skin


Hash 2021 (divisible by 43 and 47 so sadly not prime) (43x47 = 2021)
Hare: Strawberry Foreskin
Pack: too numerous to list but notably Swiss Mark (Elvira sent her apologies)

'It was crisp winter day with bight sun shining as the hashers
assembled at Ambelokopi Metro Station. A brief chalk talk and off we
all went, first a tour of Athens's celebrated graffiti culture around
the sides of Panathinaikos Stadium. Gate 13 seems to be the one to
avoid. A swift right turn threatened to break the cohesion of the pack
but prompt action from from the hare brought everyone back on trail -
up a considerably steep hill leading to Lycabettus park.

From there the trail meandered along trails and paths and even those
who jog there regularly found new ground. The higher we climbed the
better the views and the overnight snow was clear on Penteli and
Parnitha with a dusting on Hymitoss. The view beyond Parnitha towards
the skiiing areas of Parnassos was particlarly clear.

A bit more up-hill grunting brought us to the Lycabbettus 'Stairway to
Heaven' followed by a scramble down to the beer stop - much deserved
as the pack had maintained discipline throughout. The beer stop was
used as an opportunity to visit the 'spirit of hashing' - which was
duly fed a can of FIX.

Any visit to Lycabettus has to take in the summit - which was
moderately busy- from which we descended via a complex network of
trails to a Souvlaki Bar in Kolonaki. A brief albeit misshaped circle
was held first and we were thankful for having been out of the bustle
of Christmas preparations. However as soon as we sat down we were
pestered by kids with their 'ting ting ting give money'. Swiss Mark
revealed a "Come near me and I'll eat you" face which proved scarily

Anonther triffic hash in the annals of Athens HHH.

On On to 2022