RUN NO 1918

Yep me at last a scribe
what a day what a place
only very sad thought was that TRIPLE SEX was not there
Why ??
Because those of you who remember that famous hash day when she planted onto my bald head her lipstick kiss and said in no uncertain terms that I was not allowed to wash it off
which I did for at least the following 3 years much to many comments by so many virgins both in ATHENS & SYDNEY that I became quite a celebrity in both cities
But alas time did cause fading so eventually it vanished
So every time I return to ATHENS I expect her to be at the hash so she can renew it
But anyway the hash took off at great speed with FROSTY NUTS & SPY SHAGGER in the lead
CLIT for once told a funny joke which caused the whole pack to stop in amazement
Then off up the mountain all went where one understood was a cave called wait for it PAN
I reckon there are well over 10,000 caves in GREECE all called PAN
REAR ENTRY then acted as tour guide showing all of us the size of the cave
Then off down the hill with ABSOLUT leading the pack until the bucket was reached
A well deserved bucket as by this time the sun was sure hot
So a short circle then off to the FAROS taverna where as usual we had traditional starters followed by fish and more fish Yes it sure is a great taverna for a hash on in.

My gorgeous Sister ABSOLUT remembers it with great affection when the hash went there for the very first time all those hundreds of moons ago
So endith my epistle
So until next time when I hope TRIPLE SEX will be there

Me the one and only PETE THE MEAT