RUN NO 1910




SCRIBE Me the one and only LEANOVER



Why me I asked? I have missed so many I even forget the names of most.

But WET DREAM insisted kept praising my knowledge of English so here goes.


What a day! What a garden! Immaculate! So much so I did not want to leave it for a moment- mind you the glass of wine in my hand helped.

But too soon the RA as is his want called all to order and down glasses 

The hare surprise, surprise Mt GOAT informed all both runners and walkers where the trails went so off all went at great speed, CAPT SUMO in the lead closely followed by SPY SHAGGER.

We quickly flashed by what appeared dozens of low quality properties 

REAR ENTRY kept calling for OXY but without response

CLIT kept the pack together with her unending supply of jokes each one worse than the last

FAIR COP was seen vanishing up a dead end street so just where he ended only he knows

S4S running for the first time for many months tried to keep up with KNOB GOBLIN but she soon vanished from his sites no doubt her trim exterior made even more trim by all the long distance runs she does much to the envy of CAPT SUMO !!

And so the pack proceeded until the massive garden of Mt GOAT came in sight.

The BBQ was lit, masses and masses of meat were put on it and then FAIR COP took the circle.

A 950 badge was awarded to Mt GOAT needless to say the first in the history of the AH3

What an achievement!

Then back to the BBQ after filling all our glasses

And so the afternoon progressed food food and more food with as much alcohol as one could consume

So what a day what a location

So many many thanks to Mt Goat his wife and cats 

Until our next visit there

Me the gorgeous LEAN OVER