RUN NO  1891

DATE 30th NOV (St Andrews Saint DAY)





A Beaut day for so late in the year when we all assembled at the car park adjacent to the Olympic rowing centre up beside SCHINIAS Beach ( called SKINNY ARSE Beach by CLITORIA !!  )

And we two appointed the scribes by all as both of us had not run with the hash for so many moons

A goodly number came including visitors from the Middle East 

Off went the runners led by REAR ENTRY and the walkers lead by CLITORIA.

Both packs tried to follow a trail set for a 10 km fun run but with little success

The walkers soon ended up on SKINNY ARSE beach but alas no perving as no one sunbathing in the nude

Meanwhile back at the car park dozens of hot rod cars appeared and went through their paces with massive noise, screetching of tires and shouts by all the supporters.


And so at last the two packs returned and immediately drank a bottle of champagne donated to the hash ( some strange people to give us a donation!!  )


Down Down’s were awarded to all


And then all off to a local taverna which was thought to be a worthy successor to the famous TAJ MAHAL Indian rest, which had been the eating house of the hash over many years.


And what a meal we had very, very different to what was expected - oodles of food came but in an order that defies logic. So many courses, so plenty for all and also so much wine and beer - and the eventual cost 12 euro each !

So we all thought a fun day 


And as for the two of us, so glad we came after so long and we both promised to come back again far sooner next time 


With oodles of love to all attendees plus OXYMORON who once said he was scared to come in case too many virgins came !!!