RUN: NO 1844

DATE: 3rd NOV. 2013





    Dionysos gets a down down


What a day again cloudless sky, warm so great for running 

A goodly number came augmented by two virgins   - a local dog and cat - both so friendly esp when given oodles of biscuits before the run 

As usual FAIR COP called the pack to order asked MAD DOG to give some details for both the runners and the walkers - both trails went up and up and up 

So off went the packs. I BOUBILINA lead the walkers whilst RIM JOB (soon to be a father yet again!!) the runners 

And both packs quickly lost site of each other 

Meanwhile HAMISH went off in his car to recce for a suitable taverna which MAD DOG had omitted to do but alas all local tavernas seemed to be abandoned 

The runners meantime reached the quarry plus the small church nearby - and what a view esp. with no haze - so physically exhausted they started their downhill with CAPT SUMO in the lead closely followed by REAR ENTRY

The walkers suitably entertained by DOGGIE STYLE who had them all nearly falling over with her jokes just managed to make their way back to the bucket to be met by the friendly dog who wondered where that had gone !! More biscuits she wanted!!

The cat meantime exploring all the hash cars found HAMISH had left a window open so in he popped  any fish available was its thought !!

And so the circle was taken with WET DREAM in charge of the drinks 

Down downs to all was the theme of the day 

And then discussions re the taverna so many mentioned then rejected but eventually one in Stamata so off we went - without the dog and cat alas 

A most reasonable taverna  and Kokoretsi to die for !! Final cost 10 euro a head


So until next Sunday - the Athens marathon so we all will be in city centre 


Filakia to u all