RUN NO 1843

DATE  27th OCT 13






Yes me again as scribe . I suppose because it was my final run and also the one and only harriette in attendance

A 100% beaut day - no wind cloudless sky warm and the scenery quite incredible - it sure make one appreciate all the beauties of Athens 

So the pack gathered well up the mountain side above the hordes of joggers, bike riders and others 

It really was the magnificent 7 = an echo of that one and only movie with the same name 

So at an appropriate time MAD DOG got the pack to order introduce the hare for the day ROCKET SOCKET who told both packs where to go 

So off went the runners at top speed led by RIM JOB ( shortly to be a father yet again )  closely followed by REAR ENTRY ( this week without C U SOPHIA ) whilst the walkers as usual led by myself wandered up the sealed road admiring all the many views of Athens way down beneath us

And the sun shone and shone KUM KWIK as is his want stripped down to his waist much to the delight of all the young maidens running up and down the mountain road causing near misses by the passing traffic

And so time passed 

finally both packs staggered back to the start 

beers from all over the world were drunk - some beautiful wheat beer was to be recommended 

Down downs to all then off to our usual Souvlaki joint to eat eat and drink drink all for 11 euro including tip 


So a great day was had by all and as for myself and KUM KWIK a fab end to hashing in Athens over all these years 


Filakia to you all