RUN: No 1841




DATE: 13th OCT 13


What a Day and What a run !!


Weather A1 the scenery inspiring the numbers attending incredible 

I spent at least 15 mins collecting all the 3 euro bucket money 

Hashers appeared from everywhere some I had never seen before 

A couple of Harriettes from I think Bulgaria made all the hashmen look and look and look 

But at 11.15 the hare FAIR COP called this huge pack to order and indicated where the runners were going as well as the walkers - both on opposite directions. The walkers shown way in the distance upon the top of a hill a Church and told if they did manage to climb up to it they would find a beer stop. The runners also were informed a beer stop was on their way but the place not mentioned by the hare 


So off went the two packs with gay abandon no doubt all dreaming of an icy cold beer at a suitable interval

So peace and tranquility prevailed at the start so I could concentrate of have a restful  sojurn 

And it was restful  not a sound no birds no latecomers just peace !!


And so the time passed until in about an hour back came the walkers followed 10 mins later by the runners 


And so the copious amount of beer was consumed 

The hare FAIR COP as is his want took the circle so more and more beer was consumed 

Finally he announced the Taverna where we all should go - in LOUTSA on the beach specialising in fish - so off we all went in a car convoy 

And what a meal and the cost only 15 euro for all the fish we could eat - fab value 

So all departed replete and looking forward to next weeks run 

hopefully with weather as fantastic as today