DATE 17th August 2913
RUN NO 1837
A very hot Summer afternoon when all congregated at our usual car park at Papagou
CLIT in absence of all other committee personel took charge
She made me scribe so who was i to object
I did say I was not running but to no avail
Why not running because
that morning I had run my usual 15 k training run before breakfast so with the
heat I decided not
to run again but instead go with the walkers
But as a walker what to wear
So after much thought I decided to wear a mini skirt plus top
But what to wear underneath considering it was meant to be a pool party at the ONIN
My running gear ? My swimmers ? Sexy underwear ? Nothing in case skinny dipping ?
So I decided but told no one other than KUM KWIK who promised to tell no one else
And so the run and walk
commenced with TEENY TOTTIE as usual leading the runners with SCRUBBER the
walkers including
me plus some visitors including a harriette from UZERBAGAIN
wherever that is
And so the packs roared away on their trails '
I did see ROCKET SOCKET & REAR ENTRY try to keep up with TEENY TOTTIE but to no avail
Eventually a beer stop hove in site much to the enjoyment of COKE DEALER
And so back to the start wher e all immediately drove off down to CAPT SUMO pad for the circle . a swim, drink and food
CLIT took charge of the circle -
A Hare Tee Shirt was presented to
TEENY TOTTIE plus a farewell certificate upon her imminent departure
for Froggie
And so the afternoon progressed = BEER more BEER Wine galore and masses of food for all
A great day for everyone
And then when it got dark
some went into the paddling pool including myself so those that remained until
the end saw exactly
what I was wearing or not under my demure dress
So until our next run
L & K as always from me the georgeous KNOB GOBLIN