RUN 1809
Sunday 6th JAN 2013
LOCATION Lambraki Street, Nr. Syngrou Park outside REAR ENTRY pad
Yes I was allowed out for first time for many weeks so off I went to the first hash of 2013 - the Vassilopitta run set by REAR ENTRY
It was wet so all realised they would end up 100% drenched to the skin
So fairly soon after FAIR COP called the pack to order REAR ENTRY told all where to run and walk so off all went
COKE DEALER (Sober) led the runners & KUM KWIK as is his want led the walkers
All went to Syngrou park where rumour was a beer stop!! Surely in the cold and wet a Gluwien stop would have been better but so what it was alcohol and drinkable
HEAVY BREATHER as usual talked property with all
And so the two packs progressed
ABSOLUT kept telling all to run faster and faster
RIM JOB who as now usual started late caught all up at the beer stop
CLIT for some reason very quiet - maybe her object for 2013 but somehow I do not think so
And so back to REAR ENTRY & THE SPY WHO >>> PAD where all stripped off their shoes etc
Then the Vassilopitta cake and the fantastic sparkling red and white wine from ARMENIA all so drinkable
Then the food - the soup with dollops of Yoghurt followed by the lamb stew - so tender and masses of veggies
With red
and white wine galore!!
And all for the HUGE cost of 5 euro
Yes a great day to start 2013 so looking forward to the next runs followed by great ONINs
Chronya polla to you all