Report Run 1800 

Date 28th Oct. 2012

Location Glyfada 





An important day apart from OCHI day our 1800th run 

So all assembled at HAMISH’S pad for the kick-off 

And what a turn out - hashers from all over -- the RA of the Rome hash and many more 

So off  we all went, myself at speed but what does one expect 

And then !! A car stops and I am propositioned  - at me with sweat pouring down my forehead off to my nose and droplets falling down onto my tongue - yes not beautiful - yes he wanted me !!
But back to the run - all managed in spite of coldness 

My darling brother Pete the Meat delved into all the checks - he is an incredible hasher 

Then around the golf course at speed and back to Hamish’s Pad where all expected masses of booze and food 

Then arrives the Steak Tartare - simply delicious - may many more hashers have this as their main meal. I was in bliss eating it. 

And so the afternoon progressed 

All drank and eat ate if no tomorrow

And the weather remained so pleasant for a late autumn day 


So pleased to be scribe yet again after my fantastic effort last week


ONON to u all 

Until next week