RUN - 1799
DATE - 21st OCT 2012
Yes me as hare and also scribe
Not really surprising as all said the run was one of the best they had even had - likewise the walkers - so all were thrilled at being there
Plus the weather was definitely A1 the location of the picnic / BBQ site could not have been better
So a great time was had by all
And a goodly number came
FAIR COP a returnee from Pommieland called the circle to order soon after 11.00 am
I told both walkers and runners where to go to the start, so off all went
ABSOLUTE as always led the runners while BOUBILINA led the walkers
The walkers eventually reached the monastery where they had to pay 2 euro admission fee
The runners now headed by PETE THE MEAT also climbed up as high as the monastery but declined to pay the 2 euro to get in for a full confession
And so the run/walk progressed
CLIT in her usual most inefficient way suddenly found a picnic site devoid of human beings - so determined that is where we must go after the circle
However KUM KWIK and DOGGIE STYLE wondered if the site was large enough to accommodate all of us plus food plus drinks
And so to the end of the run and the bucket conducted as usual by FAIR COP
Down downs were awarded to all. ONCE MONTHLY thought his was an exaggeration - the name or the drink ? We were uncertain
And so off to the picnic site - fantastic - oodles of benches and tables so all could sit and gorge oneself in 100% harmony with the world
And so the afternoon passed in peace and tranquillity
Yes a great day
Enjoyed by all
And then no sooner had we got into our cars then the rain came - thank you RA for ensuring the rain was delayed
So ONON Until next Sunday