RUN: 1797


DATE: 7 OCT 2012




Why me - now a visitor arrriving on the Greek mainland from the beautiful island of Aegina - and looking forward to a run - yet press ganged into not only being the scribe but also the RA at the circle - 

Anyway here goes...


A reasonably goodly crowd of hashers appear at the start half way up the Mt at a well known picnic spot 

11 am came and passed - more hashers arrived all with food goodies for the picnic after the run / walk

Finally at 11.30 MAD DOG calls all present to order so that the run/walk could commence 

I for a change went with the runners so have no idea what the walkers got up to 

The runners first had to climb and climb up the mountain side - luckily in spite of a cloudless day not too hot 

RIM JOB was as usual muttering to himself about the current USA / EURO rate of exchange 

FOUR NIGHTLY just smiled sweetly at him. And so we advanced. 

Ahead a church - THE SPY WHO ... said she would take the service being an unfrocked nun !!

But MT GOAT objected saying it was Greek orthodox not Georgian orthodox 

And so the runners ambled all over the top of the mountain 

Finally down the mountain and there ahead the picnic site where the walkers were ensconced 

Then the circle taken by myself as MAD DOG as hare refused on grounds of he cannot do two things together - his brain cannot cope


A somewhat strange circle esp as HAMISH insisted on cooking irish sausages in the circle so all had both beer down downs plus a hot sausage down down. Down downs were awarded to all. LEANOVER as always spilt hers DOGGIE STYLE objected not enough - What a drinker she is !!!


And so to the feast - so much - all different - all ate too much the food so superb 

And so the afternoon ambled past - weather A1 company even better 

What more do hashers want at such a beautiful location with masses of food and unlimited drink and inspiring conversation throughout - apart ofcourse from MT GOAT who fell asleep !!


So until next time maybe on Aegina island

And I know equally a fab day 


ONON from S 4 S