RUN No. 1774

DATE 19th Feb. 2012

LOCATION Near Vravron Tower outside New Airport

HARE Fair Cop

Scribe ME Napoleon Bonny Part



A beautiful day weather wise - cloudless skies when we landed on time at 10.30 0n our Singapore flight Got through customs efficiently and promptly. 


As we knew where run started we decided quickest was to jog from airport to the start. 

However upon arrival at start we found all walkers and runners had left.


Only WET DREAM was at start - But as soon as she saw us out came her request for 3 euro each - and what more she said we had forgotten to pay upon our last run well over a year ago!! So we had no option but to cough up 12 euros.


Then we asked where did trail go?

No idea she said maybe this way but maybe not!!

So off we went - with no trail. 

Never mind we thought - we will meet all at circle at end even if we do not find the trail.

So away from the start through some very fertile and lush farming fields in gorgeous weather esp. considering it was February. 

Great feeling running and walking again in Greek countryside. 

Finally back to the start - and only to find all had had the circle and we assume had left for the Taverna 

So nothing to drink  -  So what to do - jog to the Taverna maybe 5 or 6 km away or back to airport and catch the next flight out.  

So we decided to jog back to the airport and then off we went away again later that afternoon. 

So an interesting run and seeing no one apart from WET DREAM. 

So trust next time we are afforded the opportunity of seeing and talking to other hashers. 


Au Revoir