Run No 1680
Date 14th Feb 2010 St. Valentines Day
Location Centre Of Athens - Thissio Station
Why me again??  Maybe because I am the only Athens Hasher who can write in sensible English.
Anyway a goodly number turned up for the annual red dress run.
It was nice to see such attendees as COCKS BAIT , GERONIMOS BITCH , CAFE CREPE in attendence as I was hoping all 3 would attend.

So promptly at 11.18 off we went at great speed
Unfortunately OXY was not visible! Why? Surely not because he has lost so much weight he is now almost invisible!!!

COCKS BAIT was in tears because of his absence  but luckily GERONIMOS BITCH was nearby to console her !!
RIM JOB on the run was heard muttering about the current economic situation but said he remembered the previous one when KING OTTO was in charge.

Meanwhile the georgeous BOUBILINA & CLITORIA wandered round all the side streets of the city centre hoping that some Greek Billionaire would  see them and carry them off to his MULTI MILLION mansion to live happily ever after!!!

And so the run evolved.   I stayed with the hare  SPANISH FLY in case some Athenian NYMPH saw me and decided to do you know what to me!!! But alas it did not happen!!!

And so back to the end of the run where surprise surprise was sexy KUM KWIK in all his costume leering at everyone including  male female and others !!

And so without further ado all went into the JAMES JOYCE IRISH BAR to partake of food - glorious food !! - and of course beer by the litre.
So endith a quiet sunday - enjoyable because it meant I did not have to atttend yet another Church service and fall asleep at the Ministers sermon.
FILAKIA to u all,


PS MAD DOG Surely you have made me write enough reports so make somone else do it from henceforth