Run No 1678
Date 31st January
Location XAMOLIA - Nr.
Why me having just arrived from Tokyo - thus my first time with the ATHENS H3.
And as a KIWI born and bred thought no one in Greece would wish me to be a
But compelled to be one mainly by BLACK
MAMBA who had
kindly picked me up and brought me to the hash I felt duty bound to agree
to being the scribe.
The hare FAIR COP
said he had only a couple of days before had to step in as hare as the
designated hare KUM KWIK was
in ITALY at some fashion show where he was supposed to be a mannequin
representing TELLE TUBBIES!!!
A smallish pack which included a Turkish/greek who said he was OXYMORON'S nephew!!! And as he said he
was 39 years old who old does that make OXY
So at just after 11am off we went and started climbing and climbing PRICKLY BUSH lead - maybe because
she wanted to get back to the circle asap as she said her granddaughter was
expecting any time during that day and it was to be her first Great grandchild!!!
The aged Mt GOAT closely
followed by RIM JOB
tried there best to keep up with PRICKLY
BUSH ut age beat them.
Meanwhile the walkers ably lead by WET
DREAM followed by HAMISH
wandered around the shore front peering into all the mansions
dotted along the shore line.
And so the runners and walkers arrived back at the bucket where down downs were
had by all - taken as usual by FAIR
And then all off back to the Taverna in Markopoulo where we gorged ourselves
with food, food and more food.
A great day and for me upon my first run in Greece an exciting event.
So as we say in TOKYO
sayonara until next time.