I lost my way and my muse and went to Tiperrary and had to kiss the blarney stone to get back on this difficult pony of writing hash shits…..dunno why……    just lost the will to write….I blame it on….well….me really!


So mea culpa mea culpa mea culpa…..promise to be a good scribe, honest guv…..give us a 2nd chance officer…..don’t lock me away or otherwise punish me for this little hiccough in the normal flood of consciousness that I  dip my toe in to dredge up the dreaded words to record the grand and earth shattering history of the AHHH….


Ok is that enough grovelling??….and got 2 paragraphs written while I desperately try to remember this run….


We met under the plane tree by the well and did a very strenuous run in the heat with a number of very long Fs and then I had to add in a new detour as I had sort of had to trespass and do an odd bit of criminal damage to get the Hash from the start to the finish and then at the last moment the lawful owner of the said illegally used and abused plot decided to be standing right on the spot of the said damage……oops….so hey hashers forget the trail, just follow me through this little building site…..anyway I got you round didn’t I?….and never even lost any of you?….other than Mountain Goat but what’s new about that…..


As for the walkers I chose an excellent route with the added bonus of a nunnery thrown in….except they got bored and tired before they got there but did manage the advanced manoeuvre (for them that is) of turning round and coming back the same way.


So back at the circle with plenty of cold Amstel and lots of shade….Fair Cop took charge and gave a few badges and awards away including Prickly Bush’s 75th and Clitoria’s 300th….we abused Cock’s Tail’s shoes and socks in the time honoured manner and she, having lived in Germany for many years, said the beer tasted much better strained through one and served up in the other, so we now know the secret behind all those premium German beers….sweaty foot attire!


The ON ON was surprisingly at Sotiris’ souvlaki joint which should really now have a plaque on the wall stating its standing as the all time favourite watering hole of the AHHH…..no matter what we eat of drink….never more than 10 euros!