Run No 1629
Date 8th March 2009
Location Pendeli Mt.
Hare Whip It - A virgin hare
Scribe ME _ Scrubber
Why me - I was already programmed as Hash cash as WET DREAM was back in
England - the weather was not good so tried to collect cash as fast as possible
and then CLITORIA in all her Wisdom ?? said SCRUBBER be the writer of all
our adventures today
So herewith my PENAMBULATIONS - a malapropism if there was ever one - even OXI
in all his wisdom could not translate that word into Greek
Now after the report by KUM KWIK some 2 weeks ago within which he had the gall
to say his english was perfect, let me remind all that it was me who had to
teach him English all those years ago - for when I first met him he was an
origonal Lager Lout - Ok many would say he still is !! -but nothing like he was
all those years ago . My recently departed dear MUM had nothing to do with him
for the first 45 years of our marriage !!
Anyway back to the run - a goodly turnout considering the heavy rain clouds
S4S and LEANOVER appeared from Sharjah - both looking lean and hungry
CHIEF came with his 2 minders and promptly vanished into the mass of hills
Finally CLIT called the pack to order . WHIP IT - the virgin hare ( Where was
his virgin Tee Shirt ) gave useless directions and off the 2 packs wandered -
the runners lead by REAR ENTRY closely followed by PRICKLY BUSH - the walkers
lead by KUM KWIK with HAMISH immediately behind . All ran/walked on well
signed tracks - mostly upwards and upwards.
And then the rain started so all got wetter and wetter. PRICKLY
BUSH announced she was not wet - it was just sweat through having to run
so fast to keep up with LOVE BUG
MT GOAT for once looked nearly exhausted - said the pace far too fast for him .
He eventually staggered in way behind the rest of the runners. CHIEF as always
thought the trail too short - maybe he should be a hare soon
Then the circle - in the rain - MAD DOG and CLITORIA jointly decided to conduct
the circle so went into a huddle to determine what to do - and it still rained so
believe it or not all got wet !!
So S4S stepped in - had all in centre having down downs - and it still
rained and we all got wetter
BLACK MAMBA then announced next weeks run down at Sounio - with a great Taverna
Finally the virgin hare - without his virgin Tee !!!! announced where this
weeks taverna was - and off we went - with water dripping everywhere
And so endeth a wet run no 1629