Run: 1463
Location: Marcopoulo
Hare: Fiery Twat
Date: 5 February 2006
Scribe (and new
GM): Budwanker
To hare or not to hare
This week A3H took a break from the normal hash foolishness to do a live hare run.
Fiery Twat was the designated hare and had thrown down the gauntlet that nobody would catch her. Unfortunately the hash got caught up in that age old question: How much time does the hare get for a head start. This argument goes back to Leonidas and Xerxes who first argued this in 480 BC. Conventional wisdom has it that when Leonidas, who had stated that ten minutes was enough, and his 300 Spartan hashers were killed to a man that the argument was settled and fifteen minutes is now accepted. The new GM, who possesses the wisdom of Solomon, decreed that twelve and half minutes would do so the hare set off, followed in due time by the pack. Mountain Goat, figuring that a trail is simply a suggested course of action, headed out in the opposite direction to try and catch the hare. The rest of the sheep dutifully followed the hare.
Things went well until the first check outside of town, the hare having cleverly figured that, if she laid no trail off a check, it would be very difficult to find her. Suffice it to say that wars have been fought in less time then it took the pack to find the trail. Once found however everyone was off again over hill and dale, a nicely laid falsie led the group over a creek not once but twice. The marvels of Greek engineering were noticed when a river was diverted over a major road. The wonders of Greek horticulture were noted on a fruitless (no pun intended) search for the trail through an olive grove, until finally the pack straggled back to the start.
After some serious shopping of discounted hash stuff the circle commenced. The new GM, your faithful scribe, was introduced. Down Downs were liberally handed out for, among other things: Lean Over for forgetting the penis; All Day Sucker and Love Bug for mug abuse; Love Bug (again) for wearing her socks outside her pants; Bookmaker for split shorts (don’t ask); a large group of returning hashers; Fiery Twat, Bookmaker, and Fair Cup for insulting the heritage of the GM, etc (you get the picture). In what apparently is an annual tradition, a farewell was said to Cock’s Tail, who will soon be gracing the Munich Hash. S4S made an important announcement regarding the upcoming ski weekend (e-mail to follow). Then it was on to Taverna for the normal food and drink.
Next week the annual Red Dress Run, not to be missed.