Subject: HASH REVIEW 11/7/05
Location: Politea
Date: 11 July 2005
This week's review has been thrust upon me as punishment for talking during the circle instead of listening with enthrallment to circle proceedings.
Green and leafy Politia was the location of the hash with All Day Sucker as the Hare. His first remark brought back memories of the previous week's hash in Kifissia: the marking of the trail with blue powder.
Apparently, the trail was clearly marked this time with said powder, making it easy to follow whilst at the same time "challenging". So why did The Bookmaker seem confused as to where the trail began and where it ended?. Why did the walkers take a short-cut back?.
Booboulina walked for 10 minutes before giving up, using an excuse of mythological proportions: her sandal strap broke, rendering it useless - very Jason (and the Argonauts, remember???).
As usual, however, all returned full of happy anticipation of the circle, but this part of the ritual was delayed as Mad Dog and Triple Sex decided to coerce, blackmail, and threaten innocent hashers into buying T-shirts reduced from 10 euros to 9, (free hat included-Bookmaker's 600th run rejects). The highlight of sales being new iron-on labels at 3 euros. Their dedication could not be faulted, so let's all make an effort in the future and BUY! BUY! BUY!
Returnees RatArse and Ben were welcomed; Love Bug reassumed her duties as Hash Flash; I proudly received my 25th run mug (now taking its rightful place on the mantle); Venetia and Yvonne were punished for talking throughout hash business; and of course, All Day Sucker's trail was rated with scores ranging from 0.6-0.9-6.9-9.0. A success for any hasher!
Then suddenly, an eerie silence fell over the circle as realization dawned that there was nothing else left to say or do. This was the cue to pack up and continue on to All Day Suckers' historic home for a BBQ.
Sausages galore were offered to hungry hashers as well as alcohol by the gallon. Rear Entry did a fantastic job cooking the vast array of sausages. It can be categorically announced that a warm summer's evening in the garden partaking of fine fare and "intelligent" conversation brought the hash to a satisfying end.
This review prepared by One Night Stand full of trepidation in anticipation of Mr. Mad Dog's approval.