
(Fiery Twat's unreliable account of last week's hash)




Hares Thrush and Cleopatra (walkers)


Poor AHHH members pay the costs of escalation in the battle between the hares over who can set the longest, hardest hash, preferably with death defying leaps and On Inns of 5km and more.

Thrush set his 1st Hash for AHHH and decided to make it a humdinger….it took him 3 days to set it and when we gathered at the bus terminal in Stamata he had not actually arrived back and we had to compare hangovers to pass the time until he turned up, a sweating heaving mass of wobbly jelly…..and that was just his chin!

This hash was the POST ST ANDREWS BALL run and a couple of  sad f*cks had believed the instructions and turned up in their Ball attire and looked right prats. It meant that we had a few unusual calls of LOOOOOKING, as Love Bug lost her pearl earring and numerous hair clips on the way round and begged for help to find them.

We all begged for help a bit further round as the trail took us to the edge of a hair raising mud bank and  slip sliding down it into a jungle of brambles….FRBs were the only ones to enjoy it, as Thrush admitted to the rest of the pack that it wasn’t exactly an F, just he had not been able to find anyway out/down and so let the trail fizzle out. Extensive bleeding was enjoyed by all and the air was blue with expletives including the best Greek phrase of  ‘ you are the dirty sanitary towel of the Madonna’. Why don’t we see if we can come up with a more graphic disgusting swear word….an escalation in expletives to compete with the length of the runs we seem to be heading for.

So on went the trail….and on and on until we finally realised we had crossed 3 hashes and hit Marathon Lake. That was when the depression really kicked in, as those of us who know the area knew we had a MEGA way to go. Anarchy took hold and some of us followed the ON INN on the road (5km), others found the trail proper and did a nice detour  (7km on a good day) and Love Bug and Pink Jenny directed Lisa (on her 1st run with AHHH) round the shops in Stamata  and came in 20 mins after the 2and a half hour trail from the complete OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

The circle was well attended and we had 2 virgins (girls that had trouble fighting off the attentions of Oxymoron and Snow Job. Cum), Delhi Boy and family (despite rumours they had moved on to green pastures), and Heavy Breather (who had been Shiva’s Prince Charming at the Ball).

We said goodbyeeee to Can’t Get Laid and his missus who can and closed the circle with a Highland Fling led by Wee Mac.