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21st March 2004
Run: 1361
Venue: Rodopoli
Hares: Snowballs
& Sleazy Rider
Scribe: Wedafakawe
The place is somewhere near Dionisos, a beautiful morning, bubbling spring,
birds singing in the trees, locals enjoying the sunshine and then …. very
noisy Hashers come along and spoil everything.
Being the
St. Patrick's day run, most Hashers appeared in glorious green attire.
Others, well, you had to be colour blind to be convinced there was any green!
For many this was the morning after the night before as the RA was celebrating
his sixty something birthday and there were a few other parties going on,
so more than the usual sore heads, if that is possible.
Snowballs and Sleazy Rider got us off to a good start with a falsie and a
few rock climbs but eventually up onto the side of the mountain with great
vistas all round. Flowery Tw*t nearly stood on an adder and a sedentary tortoise
made up the wildlife viewing for the day.
To mark the occasion the Hares arranged a well-earned Murphy's beer break
at the top, but Bookmaker and Mountain Goat missed this as they had made a
massive shortcut and were way ahead ( people will start talking about you
two soon!). Pink Jenny, Twisted Bitch (plus 2 dogs) and Banger caused great
concern as they wandered in more than 15 minutes after everyone else, pretending
that they were picking flowers on the way but we know they were seriously
lost for a while! …..
The circle eventually got under way and it was even more humorous and raucous
than usual. The RA got birthday wishes from all followed by a vicious concoction
of alcoholic beverages. Snowballs was asked to score their own run and gave
a modest 4 but the circle unusually decided on 6.9, despite the predominance
of rubbish dumps and car wrecks!
Clitoria handed the pussy pacifier on to Beat me Up after first presenting
a miniature version from her pants! Sleazy Rider was presented with her 50
run badge and had the cheek to ask where her mug was. (She orders them) .
Clitoria achieved the very sad landmark of 150 runs and stuck the badge in
her ample cleavage ( see website pics). There were two namings - Constandine
(sp), now delicately called "F*ck You", and Lisa. After heated debate
she was christened CU Next Tuesday, the initials of which, liberally translated
into Greek is Moony (sp) Lisa. Which shall be her Hash name?? Anyway they
were both suitably drenched with much beer and water. Mothers day was
an excuse for more down-downs and Bursting Bladder lived up to his name when
he sneaked round a nearby tree, which unfortunately for us was not wide enough!
The RA recovered from his alcoholic state to finger Self Service for giving
him a condom for his birthday. The drink was doubled when it turned out that
the gift had a large hole in it! About 26 Hashers retired to a nearby taverna
where the wine and beer continued to flow though the sunny afternoon.