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Run 1251

Date: 17-Mar-2k+2

Venue : Lykavittos

Hare: Flesh Gordon

Scribe: AH,NS

It was the best of runs, it was the worst of runs…. but mostly it was the latter.

It all started on a cold Sunday morning. I unsuspectedly began the run with a fun-filled drive through downtown Athens, looking for the start, and arguing with scooter pilots. As I am directionally stupid, I require directions with LANDMARKS!!!! In the future, please start the hash signs at my elevator (lift for you pommies). But I will get off of the soapbox.

I arrived at the start with a virgin, Melissa, in tow, about 20 minutes before the hounds began their folly. After waiting for a suitable number of hounds to appear, and the local constabulary to depart, we were set free to follow a trail laid in green flower, very festive for the occasion, in my opinion, though difficult to spot. The trail was laid amongst a variety of plant life, and animal defecation marks. After being chased by MAD DOG with nettles of both the stinging and dead varieties, I decided it would be better to stay away from him before he picked up the fertilizer as a weapon. The trail took us to a looooong steep set of steps which lead, oddly enough, to a false, and rants of "F the hares". At the top of these steps BULLY OFF and I discussed a dog which had decided to change species and become a mountain goat (not to be confused with the MOUNTAIN GOAT), when BOOKMAKER learned that the pooch belonged to a guy standing around staring at the stranded mutt, we trundled back down the steps and were off again, looking for true trail. I came upon the walkers including Melissa the virgin and PARSON’S NOSE’s better/other half, who promptly, and ungracefully, joined the flying club, no ballerina, that one, thanks for the entertainment. Soon trail led us to the church at the top of Lykavittos, and a jaunt past the front door and the gaping gobs of prayer sayers. On the way down I ran into the hare, FLESH GORDON, who pointed out the rout the trail was taking, down into the "dungeon" being constructed below the church, the thought that was going through my grey matter at the time was that of inquisitions and the Spanish. I got out of there. The end of the trail was a fun-filled slalom through a pack of visitors.

At the circle-up we were treated to a disgusting, unearthly glowing green, concoction of Guinness and champagne buy BULLY OFF and SEMEN STAINS. That out of the way the circle, ever so deftly lead by our RA, PLAYBOY II. The down-down beer was tinted (read poisoned), ever so carefully, by BULLY OFF, who also prepared a Green cake/brownie thingy, which brought her back into the grace of the hash. The two new members of the flying club were called out and rewarded with a cold beer for entertaining the hash. Pictures were taken of the injuries sustained, and will be posted unless proper forms are filled out and fees paid, see ALL HEAD, NO SHAFT.

After a short circle we were escorted over to the taverna, and a nice meal of mostly vegetarian fare until PLAYBOY II and myself spoke out and demanded charred flesh.

And there was much rejoicing….Yeaaaahh.

 Your faithful scribe,