
Sunday 22nd January 2023
Mustang Stables
Mad Dog
Chocolate Dip
Bag Lady
Rim Job


AH3 run 2185




Pre-run circle


The hare Rim Job instructs the runners and hands the walkers their map (but they still make up their own trail)




The runner's photos

The hare Rim Job provides an early refreshment stop at the swimming pool of the derelict Mustang Stables club


A tortoise is spotted that had fallen into the empty pool



Chocolate Dip climbs down into the pool to rescue the tortoise



He passes it up to Coke Alone


Coke Alone poses briefly with the tortoise before taking it to the hillside


Refreshment stop is over - time to go running



Coke Alone poses at a doorway of the derelict club complex. Some of us remember when it was still operating.


View back as we head up to the Radio Station


On-up to the radio station and other antennas


View of Mount Pendeli


On-up again





False trail mark


On-in to the beer - just down the road on Xenias street



The Circle

Gather around!


On-Sex Clitoria hands out small delicious traditional seasonal melomakarones


Haberdasher Rear Entry puts the hash t-shirts and other goods on display



RA Tender Vittles opens the circle with a song


Rim Job the hare's down-down



Two returnees - Dave Knell and Captain Codpiece



Flying Club members Jacket Off, Forever Coming, and Chocolate Dip





A down-down for tortoise rescue - Chocolate Dip and Coke Alone
"No good deed goes unpunished"



Meanwhile Lefteris is busy digging-up the asphelt road



Mad Dog in the circle (Bag Lady takes the camera)


Fair Cop and Mad Dog got separated from the pack



The Oxymoron memorial down-down given to Oxymoron (who else?)



Coke Dealer - who mis-led the walkers with the hare's map


Forever Coming and Bouboulina




The Taverna

LEFKOTHEAS's (or Lefko's) taverna (opposite Magginas), Solomou 2, Ano Melissia

Tel: 210-804-6295




Trail recording






MisDirections to this hash

Date: Sunday 22nd January 2023

Run: 2185 – sort of…


Venue: KEFALARI – [old abandoned mustang stables on Xenias street]

On Inn: somewhere local…


From the centre of Athens - OR from Kifissia area - OR just about anywhere really cos the hare can’t be bothered to do directions from anywhere else:

Go northwards up Kifisias Avenue & continue through Kifisia

After 2-3 Km, pass an AB supermarket on your right, you come to the edge of Nea Erithrea

At the next traffic lights (Shell garage opposite & Alpha Bank on the right) turn RIGHT

You are now in Harilaou Trikoupi ( it veers right - then goes straight) carry on for 1.6Km

Turn left at the second lights into Xenias street – this is just after Kokkinara St.

Carry on to the end of Xenias – Mustang stables are here.

GPS:   38°04'30.5"N 23°50'04.7"E  -OR-    
38.075127, 23.834642

PLUS CODE:   3RGM+3V Kifisia, Greece

LINK: https://goo.gl/maps/FiXpFfTQz9bnWapN6

What 3 words ?

Lost? Directionally Challenged?? Just plain gormless and stupid???

Call: Rim-Job 6977 53 23 00.