Directions to this hash
Date: Sunday 20 March 11am
Run: 2150 sort of
Hare: Fair Cop & Wet Dream
Venue: Church of the Virgin Mary Varamba (12th c.) - Markopoulo Mesogaias 190 03
On Inn: Sotiris - Markopoulou
Take the Attiki Odos and keep in the left lane toward Markopoulou. DONT turn for the airport but continue for 3KM toward Markopoulou.
YOU ARE GOING TO TURN LEFT at the SECOND traffic lights. This turn is soon after the 24Hr Sex-Shop Delivery (Remember it you never know when you may need it)
Follow this road, and turn left at the traffic lights, then follow the boulevard until you have to turn right at the No Entry.
(You want to go straight on here, but cant) after the right turn, go 1st left, 1st left again.
You need to cross the fast traffic and head for the KWABA CENTER that you can see in front.
This road leads you out into the countryside. After 1km the road dips to cross a stream.
As you come up the other side, take the left fork to Ag.Varamba church.
37.90777N, 23.93336E
WW5M+38 Markopoulo Mesogaias
Typographically or cartographically challenged?
Just plain gormless and stupid???
Call the hare: Fair Cop 693 209 6555
And to warm us up, here is Jimi Hendrix playing in the warm winds of the Hawaiian island of Maui in 1970
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