Filopappou Hill

Sunday 6th February 2022
Run 2144

Hare: Just Natalie (Duck Off)
GPS:37.972691, 23.717878
Photos: MD, TV




Chalk Talk from the hare




Horse near the beginning of the run and walk



Hare Natalie on one of her checks



Runners and walkers meet up for a group photo






View over the city












Beer check (beer carried by the hare)






Fair Cop showing Coke Alone how to recognise fossils


Time to leave the beer check stop



Passing Socrates prison


Passing the little church that is popular for weddings on Filopappou



Up to the Pnyx









Coke Alone plays with a remote control car while the runners wait for the walkers to arrive back.



The RA Tender Vittles opens the circle



The hare CU Natalie is called into the circle for her down-down



But she also brought the visitors



The hare is called into the circle again to receive her virgin hare t-shirt


Rim Job


Mad Dog and Tender Vittles get down-downs





The naming of CU Natalie




She gets named Duck Off (she calls her car a duck and she's leaving on a trip)



The circle ends with "swing low"










Date: Sunday 06 February 2022 – 11am

Run: 2144

Hare: Just Natalie

Venue: Filoppapou Hill – National Observatory car park

On Inn: local taverna…


By Metro: Get off at Thission metro (green line) and walk right up the hill on the pedestrian road Apostolou Pavlou. Turn right towards Aghia Marina church.

To the right of the square in front of the church there's a path that goes up to the National Observatory.

Meet outside the Observatory by the steps that are next to Filopappou Hill. [Map below]

By car: Make your way to Pireos Street, central Athens. Driving south towards Piraeus, take a left turn to Thissio on Iraklion Street which turns onto Nileos.

Be careful at the top of Nileos next to loads of cafes - do not follow the road around a sharp hairpin bend (on to Akamentos), but carry on (leftish) to what looks like a pedestrian walkway

(cars are allowed on this stretch) and take the second right turn.

Follow this road uphill as far as it will go. Carry on for about 1km and turn right on Bikos which will take you up to the National Observatory.

There are plenty of places to park there. [Map below]


37°58'22.2"N 23°43'04.5"E

37.972691, 23.717878 <===== Most accurate


XPF9+35 Athens, Greece




By the way:

Given the explosive nature of the new C19 variant please make sure you are sensible about attending a meeting - even outside - where there are others present, some of whom who may be vulnerable, and that you take all necessary precautions. Frequent testing is strongly recommended and especially before any social gathering.



1. MASKS IN CARS – If you are giving or getting a lift, please wear your mask. Keeping car windows open may also help.

2. AT THE HASH – MASKS IN THE CIRCLE (Preferably type 95). Hash Cash will be splashing on the sanitizer, and it will be available for hashers too.

3. On-Sex – It has been a long time, but please refrain from grabbing, groping and snogging the other hashers. “Elbow bumps” will have to suffice.

4. Down-downs – The beer bitch and the RA will be thoroughly scrubbed, and the coolers sanitized. No re-use of mugs, (bring your own if you want).

5. Rubbish – dump your own rubbish in the bag. Don’t ask someone else to pick it up.

6. On-inn – Check for maximum number on one table. If you prefer a plate of your own, that is fine. If you are happy to share in the normal hash style, please be extra aware of how food is shared.


If you attend a meeting of the Hash House Harriers you do so entirely at your own risk.

The Hash is a social club and neither the organisers nor the leaders of the run / walk are responsible for the safety of those taking part.