Nea Ionia
Sunday 2nd January 2022
Run 2139
Hare: Jack of Trumps
GPS: 38.033069, 23.773463
Photos: Rear Entry, Jack of Trumps, Fair Cop
Trail recording: Rear Entry





















The hare Jack of Trumps being read list of offenses (?) by Strawberry4Skin





Returner: F.U.Gasper – Last seen R*n 1720 14/11/2010

Visitors from Orlando, FL: “Whore with no name”(her) & “Sprechen sie Douche”(him)




Punishable offense - Bleeding on the hash








Map of trail area


Trail stats


Parking and start location





….just when you thought you were safe J….

By the way:

Given the explosive nature of the new C19 Omicron (which is displacing the previous Delta) variant please make sure you are sensible about attending a meeting - even outside - where there are others present, some of whom who may be vulnerable, and that you take all necessary precautions. Frequent testing is strongly recommended and especially before any social gathering.


Date: Sunday 02 January 2022 – 11am

Run Number: 2139-ish ??

Hare: Jack of Trumps

Place: Nea Ionia – Northern suburbs

On Inn: some local taverna place for those who want to after the walk….


The Hare has provided the following detailed instructions:


GPS: 38.033069, 23.773463

38°01'59.1"N   23°46'24.5"E

( Suggest park at about Louki Akrita 71 at  38.033015, 23.773341 and walk across the grass to Kapodistriou Ave )

(NOTE: there are known problems with GPS in this area)

Pub[l]ic Transport:

Take the M1 to Perissos station. Walk one minute northeast on Leof. Irakliou toward Al. Papanastasiou to the bus station on your right.

Take bus no 421 and ride for 10 bus stations.

Get off the bus at the Akrita bus station and walk 50 m back on Kapodistriou Ave in order to get to the meeting point.

The Hare has provided the following useless useful information:

a) Parking is not available at the meeting point, but either across the street on Kapodistriou Ave/Dodekanisou Street or on Kriezi street about 100 m away.

b) Do not assume that the trail is going to be the same as previous hashes in the area. It won't.

c) For starving harriers and harriettes, I will make a booking at a tasty and reasonably priced eatery in the area that requires either certified vaccination proof, or certified negative rapid test taken up to max 48 hours earlier.


1. MASKS IN CARS – If you are giving or getting a lift, please wear your mask. Keeping car windows open may also help.

2. AT THE HASH – Hash Cash will be splashing on the sanitizer, and it will be available for hashers too.

3. On-Sex – It has been a long time, but please refrain from grabbing, groping and snogging the other hashers. “Elbow bumps” will have to suffice. Clitoria [on-sex] says: Embarrassed what about bottom bumps?Confused

4. Down-downs – The beer bitch and the RA will be thoroughly scrubbed, and the coolers sanitized. No re-use of mugs, (bring your own if you want).

5. Rubbish – dump your own rubbish in the bag. Don’t ask someone else to pick it up.

6. On-inn – Not sure if there is a maximum number on one table. New C19 measures from 30/12/21 = max 6 persons per table - If you prefer a plate of your own, that is fine.

If you are happy to share in the normal hash style, please be extra aware of how food is shared.