7th November 2021 Run 2131 Hares: Pussy Basher and Bag Lady |
The end-of-the-line for the trams arriving from Syntagma Square and Faliro
Hashers and Harriettes circle up before the run and walk.
RA Fair Cop calls the hares into the circle to describe their trails
The hares - Bag Lady leading the walkers and Pussy Basher confusing the runners.
Pussy Basher and Bag Lady
Oops! That was a false trail.
Heading NW along the beach
November sunbathers and swimmers
Invalids only beach - does that include hashers?
Hare Pussy Basher - has he lost the trail?
Nice view of the coast looking South
GM Mad Dog points to a hole in the roof of a disused military installation
More installations
Part of the naturist beach - as you can see
Fair Cop at the top of the hill
Advancing along the rocky coastline
Scrambling over the rocks
On up and about to return along the beach
Heading back towards the tram stop car park - then to continue following the walkers trail.
Mad Dog takes a quick rest in the sun while Fair Cop takes a snap..
The Harriette mums let their hash horrors loose in the playground. Sebastian can be seen at the top of the pole.
Full view of the playground
Walkers Ass Crack and CU Olga spot the big"W" in the sky.
Ass Crack's selfie - scary
Runners and walkers gathering after the trail
Tender Vittles with Violet
Wet Dream prepares the down-down beers
Circle up!
Master of Music Tender Vittles leads the circle in a song (No balls at all)
The Hares Pussy Basher and Bag Lady
Rim Job
CU Olga
Hash horrors play during the circle
Who is dipping into the candy bag?
CU Barbara
Professor Stato asks new boots Jiri a few questions
Ass Crack gets two down-downs - One for him and one for Olga
Cabriolaid receives her 25 run badge and mug
She is also given her 50-run badge and mug
And a 75 run badge
Krazie Puppie gets a birthday (water) down-down
Next weeks run?
A short walk from the tram-stop car park
(Food included rooster)
7th November 2021 @ 11am
The End of the Line Hash
The starting location will be at the car park next to Asklipiio Voulas which
is the final station on the Tramline - direction Voula.
Its off the Leoforos Poseidonos (91) road - opposite the Askipieo General Hospital of Voula.
nav coordinates
N37 50.9499, E023 45.1427
Bag Lady and P#ssy B@sher
Comments: Come and join us for a mainly off road runners trail and a
very pleasant flat walkers trail along the beautiful Athens Riviera coastline.
Bring 3€ (3 euros) there will be a swimming opportunity for the foolhardy or brave so bring swimming gear (or not).
by public transport:
a. Tram from Syntagma that goes towards Voula (????a) I think its line 5,
get off at the last stop. NB this takes about an hour from the centre of Athens
b. Bus A2 from Sygrou this takes about 30 mins from central Athens
c. Metro - red line to Eliniko then bus 122 to destination
by car:
Get on the Leoforos Posiedonos (91) road and its between Vouliagmeni
and Glyfada (I dont drive in Athens much as you can tell).
GOOGLE MAPS: https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B050'56.0%22N+23%C2%B045'07.8%22E/@37.8488889,23.749978,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.8488852!4d23.7521685?hl=en-GB
GPS: 37.849165, 23.752378 <<<<<<<<<<< From Mad Dog
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