Sunday 11.00 am

12th Febuary 2017


Nea  Lesvos


Run 1983


Trail lengths
Runners: 5.3 km

Captain Sumo

Starting location:

38.057758, 23.827834


Photos: Captain Sumo

Web page: Mad Dog



The Run and Walk




The Circle
















The Taverna





The directions to the hash - for the record

Next AH3 [Athens Hash House Harriers]Hashing event:


Sunday 12th February – 11am

Hare: Captain Sumo

Venue: Nea Lesvos Marousi / border of Melissia..... [Northern suburbs...]

On Inn: tbd

From South:

Get onto Kifisias road, when you get to Marousi turn right onto (A) Pentelis road continue 1.3km and when you reach a sharp hairpin bend, turn left onto (B) Sapfous road, continue along the road about 750m, at the end it curves right onto a sharply climbing uphill. At the top of the hill pass the boxing studio on left and very small church on right [do not turn right here] just keep going, then turn right after about 50m onto Periandrou street and continue another 200m and park close to a set of pedestrian steps leading down, we start at the top of the steps.

From North:

Get onto Kifisias, head south, wrangle yourself south of the Pentelis road and follow (A)

From Attiki Odos:

Exit on Pentelis exit (no 12), turn right at Leoforos Pentelis and cruise 4km along here, turn left at the lights after Jumbo and keep going through Melissia until you reach the hairpin bend after the Shell garage, turn right and follow (B).  

GPS: 38.057758, 23.827834

Lost ?  Confused ?  Just plain stupid ?  So what's new!!

Ok, call Captain Sumo 6971 863081