The Nemean Games

Saturday 11th June

The Ancient Stadium of Nemea

Hashers attending: Mad Dog, Doggie Style, Thunder Thighs


Mad Dog in Nemean Games promotional video
made by TV crew using a drone with an HD video camera
and filmed before the first race of the day

See Mad Dog leave the tent (apodyterion) and enter the 2,320 year old tunnel (krypte esodos) to the ancient stadium of Nemea, run through the tunnel, enter the stadium, select a marble lot (kleros) from the bronze helmet held by a judge (hellanodikai), go to the drawn lane, and run when the starter (aphetes) releases the barrier (hysplex).

And the end section of


The Circle

L-to-R: Thunder Thighs, Mad Dog, Doggie Style



Mad Dog's race

Since many runners from groups #1, #2 & #3 did not not present themselves
(including, not suprisingly Hamish - see group #1) the three groups were combined into one and ran first.



It's 7.00 am in the morning and the members of the first runners groups line up to wait for their name be called.
(We had to set off from N.Athens at 05.30 am to arrive in time)


Dr. Stephen Miller dressed as a slave (doulos) called out the names of the runners group by group


We enter the tent (apodyterion) and are given a bag for our clothes and a white tunic to wear


As the runners run in bare feet, footbaths are provided to wash feet after the race


Our herald (keryx) gives us instructions


Unfortunately it had rained heavily in the night and there would be a delay
until the sun rises and dried the clay stadium floor.


So time for some snaps (and as it turned out, for the TV video)





The runners are called to the exit to the tunnel by the salpinktes trumpet


The 12 runner's names are called out one by one by a keryx ...
and they have to then run out into the stadium where they are cheered by the spectators


Waiting at the tunnel exit or krypte esodos


Mad Dog is last to be called...


And picks the last marble lot (kleros) which by chance is for lane-1 (the letter Alpha )


Mad Dog in lane Alpha


Arms are held extended as in olden times so a runner could not hold back another runner.

Toes for both feet must be hooked into the grooves in the stone to ensure all start equally.


Mad Dog wins his race and leads the runners back to the apodyterion through the tunnel




In the apodyterion the runners exchange their tunics for a participants t-shirt


Thunder Thigh's race


A female herald (keryx) calls out Thunder Thighs nerd name


Thunder Thighs emerges from the tunnel



She selects her marble lot (kleros) from the bronze helmet



The judge (hellanodikes) tells TT where to place her feet


Drone overhead taking video


The starter (aphetes) in a white himation prepares to release the hysplex (runner's barrier)




Not a bad performance from TT




Evening closing ceremony & winner's awards

Mad Dog with two proud student winners from the Olympic College in Olympia
From Shri Lanka (L) and The Gambia (R)

Spectators gather for the ceremony


The winners are gathered and lined up




The ceremony begins in the presence of Greek ministers, ambassadors from a number of countries, and other officials

(Note: The opening ceremony on Friday was attended by the President of Greece)







The wild celery on the crown has wilted in the heat as has the palm branch


============= OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DAY ===============


Morning coffee at the cafe / snack bar opposite the stadium


Mad Dog with one of the oldest competitors


Before lunch visit to the Archaeological site of Ancient Nemea
and the Temple of Zeus











The entablature blocks on top of the temple columns don't appear particularly large...

until you look more closely...


And when seen at ground level the entablature blocks are massive.
How did the ancients lift them up on top of the columns and why go to the cost and effort of putting two levels?





Lunch at small the souvlaki taverna in the village









After lunch visit to the Palivou winery in Ancient Nemea

We gate crash a group wine tasting session...



Which one to choose?


10 euros/bottle from the winery, but excellent wine


Winner's headband


Runner's participation pin


Paper clothes bag for participants


Miscellaneous images from the games



Rolling the clay surface after heavy rains at night


A beer please?


The choir enter the stadium through the tunnel










- From news site -








Hash Trash directions to Ancient Nemea



Athens Hashers do the 2016 Nemean Games

(The Nemean Games only take place every 4 years - so don't miss it)
Date: Saturday 11th June
Times: See below
Venue: Ancient Nemea, Peloponnese, Greece
Hares: Some old Greek guys


By private car takes about 1 1/2 hours from the center of Athens and follows the National Highway to Corinth (toll ?3.10). Just past Corinth the highway splits: take the left fork goes toward Tripolis (toll ?2.40). The second interchange after the toll booth is for Ancient Nemea, and there are signs thereafter for the stadium, archaeological site and museum.


Note1: You must have previously registered to participate in these races.
Note2: You will be given a clothing bag for your clothes, a label with your name to stick on the bag, a chiton (white tunic) and zoni (belt) to wear for the run.
(1) Footraces in the ancient stadium in groups of twelve organized by age and gender - starting at 07.30 am for the oldest age group. The race is barefoot. (Mad Dog runs - sort of at 07.42 am).
(2) The 7.5 km "Footsteps of Herakles" race.  Be outside the stadium entrance before 5.00 p.m. to take one of the free buses to the Lafazanis winery in Ancient Kleonai from where the race starts. The race ends back in the stadium.

(1) Morning - Go and sit on one of the earth banks surrounding the ancient stadium and watch the races. Take a waterproof rug to sit on or a chair if you can find anywhere flat to put it. Bring a few snacks and some beer to enjoy. Try to find a good place and save some space for other hashers. The stadium can get quite crowded later in the day.
(2) 12.00 Noon - Meet at the entrance of the The Archaeological site that includes the TEMPLE OF NEMEAN ZEUS, the ancient baths & the museum (just 400 metres down the road from stadium) for an interesting walking tour. You might want to drive to the archaeological site car park as you'll need the car to go for lunch later.
(3) 13.30 (i.e. 1,30 pm) - Go for lunch at the Souvlaki place in the centre of Ancient Nemea village (if it's still operating). Else, may have to try the cafe just outside the Stadium (probably very crowded).
(4) 15.00 - Wine tasting & purchasing wine at the Palivos winery
(Continue on the main road going through the village and it's on the left as you exit the village).
(Distance - 800m from the archaeological site).
(Tasting room open seven days a week 08:30-16:30).
(5) 16.00 - Go to the cafe just across the road from the Stadium for coffee to offset the alcohol.
(6) 16.45 - Runners for the 7.5 km run can stagger across the road to the stadium entrance to find their bus to take them to Ancient Kleonai.
More information at:  & 
On On!
Some mobile phone numbers for contacting other hashers in Nemea:     (not shown here)