Houston Hash House Harriers (H4)

Volunteers at the Houston Marathon

Official guards + Giving out beer to the runners

At Mile-24 of the 26 miles and 385 yards

Star Wars costume theme

With present and ex-Athens Hashers

Tender Vittles, Parson's Nose, Juices Flowing & Mad Dog


06.30 am at Mile 24 and it's freezing cold.

The Houston Hashers have set up their canopies and have propane heaters inside.

The hashers have been given their T-shirts and waterproof/windproof Crew Jackets

Ice has been poured over the 4 large kegs of beer.

The Mile Captain and his team have told the volunteers what to do and where to go.

We wait of the first half-marathon runners to arrive.

It's too cold yet to wear our costumes.

There is hot coffee to drink.



Parson's Nose and Tender Vittles ready to spring into action (or maybe not)


The sun is coming up and hitting the tops of the office buildings


To downtown and the finish of the Marathon, Half Marathon and other races at the George R. Brown Convention Center


Hoopla for the first arriving Half Marathon runners.

Tender Vittles (foreground) hooded to keep warm.


The sun warms the air and it's time to get changed into costume


We get changed in the car park.

Here Tender Vittles is now dressed in his dark lord Darth Vader outfit and light saber.


Mad Dog is dressed in a converted Halloween "Scream" scary costume and is a Jedi Knight and not to be confused with the Grim Reaper :-)


Handing out paper cups of beer to the Half Marathon runners (who would finish before the main Marathon runners arrived)

(some whom were really grateful ...and some who threw them down in disgust thinking it was water... but you can't please everybody)


"Beer, beer, get your beer here"


Here a hasher's canopy hash now been set up on the median in the centre of the road.

The beer pumping from the barrel can hardly keep up with the demand.

The beer was partly donated by the H4 sponsor St. Arnold's Brewery and partly by the hash MMC from hash funds.

See: http://www.saintarnold.com/

View of the canopy and beer giving operation


Another view of the canopy and beer giving operation


Tender Vittals and Mad Dog handing out beers



A local fitness company giving encouragement to the runners over a portable PA system


Some runners were so grateful for a beer that it felt really good being there to serve them.


One of the 4 beer barrels in the plastic tub and covered with ice.

Over 2,000 cups of beer were eventually served.


Tender Vittals say's "Cheers"


Posing for a Star Wars theme photo


Posing for another Star Wars theme photo


The Full Marathon runners arrive on the other lane of the dual carriageway and are offered beer


Female Marathon runner pushing her baby in a jogging stroller


The last Marathon runners are now coming in & it's time to start cleaning up and packing up


Following the last runners, the official vehicles come on by



The city of Houston's breakdown trucks


The city of Houston's breakdown trucks - rear view


And then the police vehicles - automobiles and Texas-style trucks, of course






Then the coaches...


And finally the rubbish truck - picking up the bagged rubbish that the volunteers have collected.


Now just need to get these heavy beer barrels picked up


Fun with a hoverboard after the Marathon
(A proper one, not the Chinese copy)

This is an electric rechargeable Onewheel hover board (see http://rideonewheel.com/)

Just a cool $1,500 to buy



It goes really fast!



Hash party at Rudyard's Pub


Mad Dog poses outside the pub


Dozens of on-tap beer brands (displayed above on the shelf and some of the actual pumps can be seen behind the bar).

The problem is making a choice of beer!


Also a variety of bottled beers displayed on the top shelf


The hasher's raffle drawing (raffle tickets were given out free to the volunteers & the prizes were just fun items)

A buffet-type lunch was then served free in the back room of the pub & hashers were given a ticket for one free drink.

A very nice way for the H4 MMC to thank everybody.


Gear given to the Race Crew




Map of the Houston Marathon route

More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston_Marathon


Some of the e-mailed instructions to the hashers:

Greetings all current and former volunteers.  There's handful of things we need for The Hash Mile.  If you could any of the below items out, it would be much appreciated:

2 5 Gal Coolers (Water)
6 Large Coolers 
3 Long Tables
3 Card Tables
2 Traffic Cones
4 Canopies
6 Tarps  
20 Trash Bags 
10 Rolls Toilet Paper  
50 Tie Wraps
Pens, pads, markers 

Finally, we need a generator.  Anybody got one they could bring out?

Also, we'll be meeting Saturday around 4pm to set up canopies and stage as much stuff as we can.  If you can volunteer some things and come out Saturday, please let me know.

And remember: Star Wars theme!

On On,



Folks - First off, thanks to everybody who volunteered to bring stuff, and many thanks to all the volunteers.  We only need a few more things:

- 2 tables
- 1 canopy
- 2 tarps
- 2 coolers

2. We're meeting up at 4pm on Saturday to put the canopies up, but if you can't come out until Sunday morn, no problem!  Just be sure to get there early.

3. Check in at our station when you arrive Sunday to get logged in, get your package and assignment. 

4. We're looking to deploy everybody for at least three hours, starting around 7:30.  We'll do a second shift starting around 10:30.  Also want to "buddy up" if we can.  If a Road Guard is ever needed, two will be needed.

5. If you're new, the Hash Mile runs from Montrose to the Sabine Street Bridge.  We're setting up right at Taft and Allen Parkway, and provide Road Guards for the whole mile.

6. I realize I've got way more people on this list than volunteered, but that's advertising!  Would love to get a ton of people out for Hoopla, so come when you can!  We'll be cheering the runners on until at least 1pm.

7. Hoopla theme is Star Wars!

On On,

Pete Smith
Mile Captain


Subject: Marathon Details For Volunteers!

Greetings Mile 24 Volunteers!

Here's the skinny for Sunday morning:

- Show up as close to 6:00am as possible.  There will be some setup folks can help with.

- Come to the Hash tents right at Allen Parkway and Taft.  We'll have packages, credentials, shirts and jackets.

- Every Road Guard will do a three hour shift.  We'll assign at the tent.

- Runners start going past around 7:30am.

- Star Wars theme!  

All the details are attached.

On On!

Will He Peter
Pete Smith


On behalf of the Houston Marathon Committee, thank you for volunteering. We appreciate your time and look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Use the link below to access your Final Volunteer Confirmation. 


If you are coming downtown to volunteer, you must present this confirmation email to access free parking in the Race Crew Parking Lot at Minute Maid Park & to claim your Race Crew credential and merchandise. Printed and electronic copies will be accepted. 


Folks - 

Whether you are a Road Guard volunteer or just coming out for Hoopla, here's the details for Sunday:

Mile 24 (Houston Hash House Harriers) – Allen Parkway & Taft

1)    Directions: Take I-10 East to I-45 South downtown; get off at West Dallas exit, turn right at West Dallas, go ½ mile to Taft, turn right and go to Allen Parkway.

2)    Main parking for The Hash Mile is 1803 Allen Parkway, the white building on the SE corner of Taft and Allen Parkway.  PARK IN THE MAIN LOT ONLY, NOT NEAR THE BUILDING.  

3)    Other parking along portions of Gillette and Taft, and there is parking at the Fonde Rec Center at Memorial Drive and Sabine St: http://tinyurl.com/FondeRecCenter.

4)    Volunteers please show up by 6:00am to help with Setup.  Please come to the tent to register and get your assignment.  We'll need to be at our stations by 7:30am to be in place for the earliest Marathoners - Wheelchair Halfers!

5)    Hash Mile Theme is "Star Wars".  It's not mandatory, but if folks want to come out in costume, they'll have plenty of company!

6)    Volunteer After-Party is at Rudyards, 1 mile south of Hash Mile: 2010 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX.

7)    Sunday's Hash will depart from Rudyards at 3pm!

Looking forward to a great Marathon, and glad y'all can be part of it!

Pete Smith

Mile 24 Captain

The Wall Committee



From: "Houston Marathon Race Crew"
Date: 12 January 2016 at 16:09:15 GMT-6
To: Robert
Subject: Marathon - Volunteer Letter Final
Reply-To: E. Hall

Greetings Sector 6 volunteers!

Thank you for volunteering, it is much appreciated.

You are registered for MILE 24.  Please check in with your mile captain by 7:00AM at Allen Parkway, about half way between Taft and Stanford.  Your mile captain is Pete Smith.  Should you receive a different time / location or other information from your mile captain – please follow those instructions.

PLEASE NOTE – a change in the volunteer party location as well as how volunteer hour forms are distributed are noted below.

PARKING:  Please give yourself ample time to get to your volunteer location on race day.  Parking is sometimes difficult.  Look at your volunteer location, and identify where you can park, and estimate how long it will take to get there.  Roads will be closed for the marathon starting at 6:15AM.  Please plan to be in place at your volunteer location no later than 7:00AM unless you hear otherwise from your mile captain.

WEATHER:  Dress in layers, weather can change, be prepared.  You will be given a volunteer t-shirt on race day.  Please do wear this – it identifies you as a volunteer.  However, be prepared with gloves, a heavy or light jacket, cap, etc.

BACKPACKS/BAGS:  Do not leave these unattended on course.  Due to security – it is not allowed to leave unattended items on the course.  Please bring only what you need.  If you do bring these items, keep them with you at all times.  Any unattended items are subject to removal.

DUTIES ON COURSE: as outlined in the registration site – keep the safety of the runners and the course intact.  Make sure spectators don't interfere with the runner safety.  If random people are handing out candy, fruit, Kleenex, etc – try to discourage them and make sure they clean up their own trash (this is not our official aid or refueling stations).  If you see any suspicious activity or packages – notify the nearest police officer (they will be all over the course).  Don't let spectators set up lawn chairs in the middle of the course – they need to be on the sidewalk, off the course, etc. 

Our race is the last day to qualify for the Olympic Trials.  Expect to see the Elite and sub-Elite athletes in packs as some will be competing to make the trials.  It should make for an exciting lead group!

MEDICAL:  Any runners with slight medical issues – direct them to the nearest medical station.  You can find the nearest medical aid station on the map section – (see link in Maps/Info section) document is "2016-What-Where".   Serious medical issues (if they are unconscious) – flag down a medic (they will be on bicycles).

If you are interested in learning Hands-Only CPR, there will be training at the George R Brown at 7PM on Friday, January 15 in the General Assembly.  There is also a video on the Houston Marathon web site.

RACE DAY FOOD/BEVERAGES:  There will be some coffee, water and some breakfast snack bars provided at each mile.  Unfortunately, there may not be enough for all volunteers.  If you have any specific diet needs, please plan to bring your own beverages / snacks.

I-PHONE / ANDROID APP – Search the appstore for Chevron Houston Marathon.  The free app will have maps and athlete tracking!  You might download this in advance (maybe with wi-fi) of race day.  You can advise spectators about this app, or use it yourself to help them find their way or track their athlete.

VOLUNTEER SERVICE HOUR FORMS:  Those who are expecting volunteer service hour forms – these will be EMAILED to you a day or two after the race.  It is important to make sure you check in with your mile captain to ensure you get your form.

MAPS / INFO:  I am posting maps and information on line for you to pull down and print if needed.  You should also be able to access via your smartphones.  This will include course maps, pace times, road closure and opening times.  New – a word document called 2016-What-Where.  It has a map showing medical aid stations, refueling stations, mile markers, etc.   Documents and maps are available here.  Take a look, print what you need in advance, or save links on your smartphone:   https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fcm3z0l10z9u3q5/AADrdg2tERqeJwQUk96TP6bSa?dl=0

CREDENTIALS / VESTS / RADIOS– If you would like to keep your credentials as a souvenir – please do so.  If you would like to recycle them, please turn them in to your mile captain.  If you received a safety vest – this MUST be turned back in to your captains.

MEDIA– Please refrain from giving any quotes to media.

AFTER PARTY:  Immediately following the race, there will be a thank you party for Sector 6 Volunteers (Age 21+) at Rudyard's.   Rudyard's is located at 2010 Waugh Dr.   Your volunteer credentials will get you food and 1 drink ticket  (Sorry, originally we were going to be able to provide 2, but unfortunately this is now only 1 due to the high number of volunteers).  We will be downstairs in the back room.  Just head there when the road re-opens where you are volunteering.  (Expected start anywhere from 1:15 – 2:15 depending where you are in Sector 6). 

Thanks again for volunteering!  The race could not happen without all the efforts of the volunteers, and it is very much appreciated.

Elizabeth Hall, Sector 6 Captain


From: "Houston Marathon Race Crew"
Date: 18 January 2016 at 11:40:59 GMT-6
To: Robert
Subject: Thank you for volunteering

Greetings volunteers!

Thank you so much for volunteering!  The Chevron Houston Marathon and Aramco Half Marathon were a success!  This could not have happened without your help!  We had great weather on the course, and most important – no issues or problems!

Thanks again, and hope to see everyone back out volunteering next year!

Elizabeth Hall

Sector 6 Captain


From: Pete Smith
Date: 17 January 2016 at 23:05:46 GMT-6
To: hashlist
Subject: Epic Hash Mile

120 in attendance on the Hash Mile, doing Road Guard duty, registration, set-up, beer serving, Hoopla, breakdown and clean-up.  

A hardy handful of Hashers did the Marathon or Half, and then came and worked the mile.

Almost 2,000 tasty beers served, that's nearly one in ten of the runners.

And there at the end was the Hash: first on the course, last to leave.

Many thanks to my Fellow Hashers.  

Y'all rock.

Will He Peter


Certification of Completion

Name: Robert Horne
Date of Activity: Sun, Jan 17 6:00 AM-1:00 PM
Position: Sector 6 Road Guard - Mile 24
Statement of work:

Meet Allen Parkway / Gillette.  


Job Description

  1. Keep all unauthorized vehicles off the course.
  2. Keep all spectators off the course – dogs, skateboarders, bikes, photographers, etc.
  3. Keep the runners on the course.
  4. Keep the course clean during the race.
  5. Watch for runners who are showing signs of distress or injury.
  6. Politely ask spectators who are distributing candy, fruit, tissues, etc., to refrain from doing so if trash is being generated.  If they continue to distribute, please let the persons know that they will be responsible for cleaning the area and the Marathon will not be able to clean these items.



  1. If you see anything unusual in a runner – ask if they need help – do not touch them without their permission.  Suggest they pull over to the curb and rest.
  2. If they are injured but mobile – direct them to the nearest medical aid station. 
  3. If not mobile or down, contact the closest police officer and alert them of the circumstances.  You must give the officer the runners bib number. 
    1. If an emergency, and you cannot reach a police officer, immediately dial 911.
    2. When calling 911, you will be re-routed to the Marathon Command Center.  Be prepared to communicate the runner's bib number with the operator.
  4. If the runner is down, help protect him and the other runners from a fall.

** Prior to your shift, please view the hands only CPR video in your Volunteer Confirmation email. 

Final Clean Up 

  1. Gather all runners clothing and leave in piles on the curb just off the road.  All clothes picked up on the course are donated to homeless shelters.
  2. Bag up the trash and leave on curb with sack secured at the top. 

**Please leave your area cleaner than when you arrived; the Marathon's reputation depends on it!**

I certify that Robert Horne has completed 7 hours finishing the job duties described on this form.
The Houston Marathon Committee (HMC) will plan, organize and stage an annual multi-race running event that embodies the spirit and energy of the citizens of Houston, Texas. HMC will strive to make this event among the most highly respected of its kind, locally and nationally. Every person in the HMC will be committed to quality and integrity.
Thank you,
Erin Kasperek
Manager, Community Outreach


For the volunteers - a night in the Stadium to see the Houston Astros baseball team play: