Park |
Run 1907 |
5.6 km |
38° 3'53.60"N, |
Photos & web page: Mad Dog
Trail |
View of the trail from 1.6 km up
Before the run |
Run and Walk |
The walkers in a jolly mood (Cabriolaid, Clitoria, and Coke Dealer)
The runners set off taking turns to guide the pack in their choice of trail direction at each virtual check
Visitor Daisy Duke from the Calgary H3, Canada with a wild tortoise
Posing by the statue of Andrea Syngrou - the donor of the park
Can this be Oxymoron actually running?
Circle |
Taverna |
The directions to the hash - for the record |
Date: Sunday 29th March 2015 @ 11.00 am
Syngrou Park - Maroussi (Athens Northern Suburbs)
Coming from Athens go up Kifissias Avenue.
Go through / past Maroussi.
Pass the Bulldog pub and a cinema complex on your left.
Syngrou Park is now on your right. Continue on up in the right hand lane for 1/2 km or so. At the traffic light junction for the KAT hospital turn RIGHT into the Syngrou Park car park (look for the HHH sign at the entrance to the car park). If you overshoot there is another entrance in about 150 metres (now blocked-2005).
NOTE: If you pass the Neoset building on your right and start to enter Kifissia you have gone passed the car-park entrances. With heavy traffic you may have to turn around at the Kifissia park / bus station (Get in the left-hand lane).
Going southwards on Kifissias Avenue.
Go through/past Kifissia.
Get into the left-hand traffic lane & then turn left at the KAT traffic lights - directly into the Syngrou Park car park entrance.
NOTE: If you reach the Cinema complex on you right-hand side you have gone too far. Turn round here, as there are traffic lights, else you may end-up in Maroussi.
By Metro / Electrico
Take the Piraeus - Kifissia line and get off at the KAT (hospital) station. Once out of the station, walk up the road at right angles to the railway tracks in the direction of the KAT hospital. You will immediately pass the Venetis store on your right. Keep straight and in 450 metres you reach Kifissias Ave. Immediately across the road is the Syngrou car park entrance.
Remember, this line is slow so leave plenty of time.
Meet in the upper section of the car park <<<