Sunday 6th July 2014

H4 Run 1911

Houston, Texas

Hares: The Brits

Tender Vittles, Parson's Nose & Mad Dog

Start: 29°39'34.00"N, 95°26'12.49"W
End: 29°39'25.82"N, 95°26'29.10"W
Beer Check #1: 29°40'6.88"N, 95°25'31.98"W
Beer Check #2: 29°39'15.59"N, 95°25'26.19"W

Trail length: 7.63 km (4.74 miles)

Photographer: Mad Dog


- T H E    T R A I L -

The trail as planned


The runner's trail as recorded by the live hare Tender Vittles on his Garmin Forerunner 305 wrist GPS


The trail as run by the pack (from 4 km altitude) (rotated 90 degrees clockwise)


The trail as run from 50 km up showing location in Houston


- T H E     R U N -

The hashers gather on Fariss Street (a dead-end street) close to the railway line



Live hare Tender Vittles explains the usual trail markings before he sets off.....

X = check, F=false trail, BN = beer near, BC=beer check & ---> means divert


After the hare leaves, Parsons Nose gives a little talk to the pack to give the hare 10 mins start


Parson's nose waves the Union Flag


Amazingly the US hashers listen politely to the british spiel on this July 4th weekend sunday...

...possibly mesmerized by Parson's Nose's eloquence (or they just don't understand his mumbling)?


OnOn up the railway tracks


Poison ivy by the trail (and we promised the hashers there was none on this trail)


Poison ivy climbing up the tree


OnOn by the freeway


Some interesting shiggy - the pack disappears into the bamboo



Yes, it's the same skull as was found on the last PC hash


The trail tracks a drainage ditch filled by the recent storms



Entering the serious shiggy


Mad Dog


Mad Dog - as sweeping hare poses by a check


Out of the shiggy and along a local road


Finally, the beer check


A harriette twists her ankle and is heroically rescued by Parson's Nose who luckily turns up at the beer check to collect the empties.


Coming down off a large heap of builder's sand


A quad-biker gets into trouble...


...and is rescued by the hashers
(In case you were wondering, after this shot Mad Dog put his camera down and helped too)


The second beer check


Off again, fueled by a beer


Unusual area with patches of trees & bushes


Long grasses


Trail marker (toilet paper) over poison ivy


Poison ivy enlarged


We climb through a closed gate into a cement delivery yard. All looks quiet.


The exit is in sight


Some go over the gate & some manage to squeeze through the gap


Outside the gate is the BN marking


We notice the No Trespassing sign and get a quick photo
- and then a security guard appears in the yard with a shotgun. Oops!


Heading towards the freeway and the On In


Crossing the railway tracks. All looks clear... but is that a train in the distance?


The On In is in the shade and shelter of the freeway overhead.


The hasher's bags have been unloaded from the sag wagon & the beer keg is being drained by thirsty hashers


- T H E     C I R C L E -

A good turn out


A visitor from another US hash


The RA Whales Vagina fills hashers tankards from the beer jugs in the centre of the circle


Hasher's doggies enjoy the circle too





Then the train rolls past noisily, making it difficult to hear the action in the circle


- T H E     ON-ON -

The Hunter's Pub - for more beers and some complementary snacks



Hare Tender Vittles poses outside the pub


The hashers totally outnumber the locals in the pub


Tender Vittles enjoys a game of chess in the pub



Map giving directions from the On In to the Hunter's Pub



DIRECTIONS (From the H4 web site)


Sun, July 6, 3pm – 7pm


Southwest Houston, Houston, TX, United States (map)


Get yourself travelling towards the south west corner of what you call the 610 South Loop and get off onto South Main travelling south but get off onto the frontage road or US90 access road as soon as you can because you need to do a 'Ueee' under the South Main/90. If you get yourself on the elevated section you've gone too far. Do a 'Ueee' before Holmes Road and the railroad (train) track and take the first right: Fariss Street. It is another dead end street and that is where you park for the start of the Brits run.

Poison Ivy was spotted when we were scouting but not on true trail - only when we were off-trail. Long socks (available from haberdash) are recommended. Generally a lot of shiggy and not much pavement. Dog owners beware. Cyclists ...hahahaha. Do not bring children.

There will be a covered ending with beer etc. etc. Bring your own drinking vessel as the ones provide (except those sold by haberdash) may not be very clean. Mosquitoes may join us on trail so share the air or wear repellent. Walkers are not exempt. Wear your national colours. Fun things were found on trail while scouting and prizes may be awarded to anyone who bothers to bring anything interesting into Circle.

On On Your Hares Red, White and Blue

For more information on the day of the run, call the hotline, which is updated daily. 71-DIAL-HASH. (updated 7-5-14, Snatcha)


Email message to the Hash from Parson's Nose (Re- July 4th Independence Day and our run):

Where, oh where would the United States be without the Brits? Without some governing power to be revolting against, those 13 colonies wouldn't have had anyone to gain independent from. In 1776 independence was quietly declared by the 13 and it took another five years for the Brits to realize that they were suffering a lot of 'friendly fire' and decide to go home. Then the USA had a choice between the French or the Brits and not surprisingly chose the Brits as the French speak funny. 
In earlier times it was no doubt a Brit who planted the tree that George Washington cut down and the Brits gave Paul Revere a great excuse to ride his horse in excess of the speed limit. The majority of the Constitution of the United States is based on what the Brits wouldn't let the colonists do. The American flag is red, white and blue because the first one was made from a parts of a Union Jack stolen from the Brits. And it was the Brits who gave the Americans their love of cold tea when some idiots emptied all the available tea into the icy Boston Harbor and added a slice of lemon..... and you call that a party!!! 
Enuf of history! Cum out on 6th July and celebrate those Brits that mean so much to you by running a trail that would be Red White and Blue if it wasn't so green. At 3pm local time, just outside the southwest corner of the 610 loop, the generally shady trail will be of moderate length (less than 5 miles) with beer stop(s), a shorter trail option, a walker's trail and a lot of shiggy. Under a secluded, shady, ending spot there will be a keg of delicious beer and morsels for your delectation. 

More sooner or later. 
Your Hares: 
-a new father  (Tender Vittles)
-a new grandfather  (Mad Dog)
-an old father  (Parson's Nose)
-and probably an old farter too! 







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                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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