

7th April 2013

AH3 Run 1822

Hare: The Bookmaker
Captain Sumo & 3S4D

Web page: Mad Dog



Google elevation: 252 metres

Trail length: 8.3 km


The Trail

The trail from 4.00 km up

The trail from 20.00 km up


Altitude profile of the run (L-to-R). A bit like a rollercoaster ride!!


Before the run




The Run



































The Circle








The Taverna





The directions to the hash - for the record


Directions to Polidendri (GPS coordinates: 38° 11.254'N and 23° 51.952'E)


A)  (The simplest way – but involves paying a toll)


Pass the turn-off for Varimbobi

Continue North along the National Road for several Km

Continue past the next turn off for Agh. Stefanos and Krioneri

 Continue for 6km - you will need to pay at the toll station

 About 1km later take the first exit right

Turn right here (ie do NOT go left over the National Road)

 100m later turn left (ie head North).

 You will turn right 140m along this road (look for a sign EYDAP)

The meeting point is just over 1000m down this road at the EYDAP site


B)  (The toll-free way)


Pass the turn-off for Varimbobi

Continue North along the National Road for several Km

Take the next turn-off for Ag Stefanos (1)

After the exit road turn right towards Ag Stefanos

After about 800m the main road bends to the right – follow this

Two hundred metres later there is a turning to the right (Trapezountos St) (2)

 (If you come to or go over a railway bridge you’ve gone too far)

You should now be in Trapezountos St

Set your odometer here to zero

Follow this road

 After 2km do NOT turn left

Continue along this road

After a further 1.5km you pass under a railway bridge (3)

After another 3km do NOT turn left or pass under the National Road

You follow the road to the right here (towards Polidendri)

140 metres further you will see a small blue sign (4)

This is marked EYDAP and directs you right

Turn right here - we meet 1100m down this road near the waterworks (5)

The blue Eydap sign is about 6.5km from the point where you set your odometer to zero.


C)  Coming from Kifissia, Ekali etc:


Go through Nea Erithrea, Ekali, Drossia etc

You will cross a railway line 1.5km before the National Road

About 300m after the railway there is a turning to the right (Trapezountos Street)

Turn right here and follow the directions above from (2)


If lost call The Bookmaker on 6944 224668 (but BEFORE 11am)


NB: GPS coordinates for the start are: 38° 11.254'N and 23° 51.952'E