(North-West of Athens)
Run 1773 (Sunday 12th February 2012)
Hare: Mountain Goat
Photographer: Mad Dog +
- T
H E T R A I L -
The starting point
& circle (P): 38° 6.997'N, 23° 58.660'E
Altitude: 8 metres above sea level
Trail cartographic Length = 5.7 km
Our meeting point ...
The Tumulus (a mound of earth and stones over a grave) of the Athenian warriors from the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC
The the walk from the Tumulus at Marathon down the coast to the Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods in Nea Makri and back
As seen from 10 km up
- T H E W A L K -
A lucky lull in the rain gives Fair Cop a chance to read out Mountain Goat's blurb about the Sanctuary
We set off with our umbrellas and spot this little model windmill in a garden we were passing
Heading in the direction of the sea (sort of)
Unusual garden entrance
We pass summer homes and small farms on our way
We reach the sea as the heavans open up and its umbrella time
Large piles of seaweed have been washed up during the winter storms
Mad Dog & Doggy Style trying to keep dry under their umbrella
Mountain Goat poses in the rain
On On to the Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods
Information board about the Sanctuary from the Ministry of Culture
Plan view of the sanctuary and baths
Plan view of the sanctuary showing the square design and the 4 entrances, each with steps
(See Buddhist Mandalas and temples as a comparison)
Tibetan Mandala - 15th Cent.
We pass the Archaeologists huts located inside the fence
Although officially closed to the public, we find a hole in the fence on the back side
Fair Cop takes the camera while Mad Dog sees the ladies through the fence
It's a bit of a step down on the other side of the fence
One of the 4 entrances to the sanctuary
The sanctuary was originally on an island and built by the famous Herodus Atticus.
The ancient Greeks worshipped some of the Egyptian gods along with their own gods.
Entering the sanctuary
The raised altar in the centre of the sanctuary
Another entrance to the sanctuary
One of the reproduction statues
The Roman baths adjacent to the sanctuary where worshippers could purify themselves
Close-up showing construction details
View showing the extensive ruins - administration buildings, storerooms, etc.
The drowned rats club
Cheerful despite the conditions
Fine entrance to a villa along the seafront on our return
Returning to Marathon
- T H E C I R C L E -
The Hare's down-down
RA Fair Cop gets a DIO for allowing rain during a hash
Formosa Flyer and Mountain Goat
Down down down
Rocket Socket and OTIS
(They made us some hash beer cozies)
- T H E T A V E R N A -
The Taj Mahal restaurant on Marathonos Avenue - next to the turnoff for the Tumulus
Group photos taken for us by the owner
Not cheap at 20 euros per person
send the photo by e-mail as an attachment: MD Feb. 2006 |
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