(Southern Athens)


Run 1771 (Sunday 29th January 2012)

Hare: Hamish McTavish Esq.

Photographer: Mad Dog

NOTE1: Use the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of screen) to view the panoramic photos.
NOTE2: The Lat. & Lon. coords can be copied and pasted into the Google Earth 'Fly-to' window.

- T H E     T R A I L -

The starting point & circle (P):   37°51'53.71"N, 23°44'49.20"E

Altitude: 8 metres above sea level

Trail cartographic Length = 6.1 km

The trail from 2.3 km up


From 9.0 km up


From 36 km up


- T H E     R U N -

Hamish the Hare has handed out Vegemite (Australian version of Marmite) on crackers
and Aussie wine & now describes the trail he has laid


Hamish the Hare


We set off up the long car park in the direction of Mount Immitos


We enter the Platia where we used the exercising machines last year.

We notice that awnings have been installed over the machines to shade the users from the elements.


Mountain Goat gets going with vertical presses



Fair Cop (L) and Rear Entry (R)



Mountain Goat demonstrates waist flexibility while Rim Job exercises his back


Rim Job (L) and Rear Entry (R)


O.T.I.S. does some sit-ups with no mechanical assistance


Rocket Socket is really dynamic


Rim Job with Fair Cop (riding his mechanical bull ...)



Mountain Goat, Mad Dog (L) & Rim Job (R)



Mad Dog (L) and Bouboulina (R)


Spy Shagger pedals away!


Rocket Socket and O.T.I.S.


Mountain Goat with Spy Shagger


Lots of hasher-calories being burnt off .... but aren't we supposed to be hashing?


One more distraction before we set off - Bouboulina spots this truck and does a sexy pose with it.




Glyfada council have kindly provided a doggy pooping area

Mad Dog poses by it...


Ahh! That's better!


Is that flour or what?


Heading past the old Hellinkon airport towards the sea


Old aircraft parked at the airport with their engines removed for spare parts


We pass a doggy checkpoint. These gang of strays eye us suspiciously.


Passing the front gate of the Glyfada Golf Club.


The Greek Orthordox church on the platia in Glyfada


- T H E     C I R C L E -

The circle forms


RA Fair Cop stands in for the hare


Mountain Goat


Rocket Socket takes a swig of beer


Rear Entry and Spy Shagger


O.T.I.S. and Rocket Socket with Rear Entry


Rim Job for wearing a life jacket in the circle


Just having fun


Rear Entry chats to Rim Job and Bouboulina


Spy Shagger as Beer Bitch dutifully clears up after the circle


- T H E   O N   A F T E R -

Hamish's menu:

Mild curry apple soup 
Kiwi roast Lamb with Mint sauce, Kumera & Roast Potatoes 
Ice Cream 


Arriving at Hamish's pad (see the hashers on the top floor balcony)


Hamish with Spy Shagger


View of the sea from Hamish's apartment


The hashers first tuck into some snacks


Aussie wines lined up for us


Meat is cooking on the barbie


Hamish shows us his collection of old bedpans.

So this is how he gets his bed warm?


Anyone for a boiled egg?


Rear Entry passes round the first batch of BBQ'd chops


Eating meat with the fingers saves plates.


Rear Entry works hard at the cooking the meat and distributing it


Hamish in his kitchen


Oxymoron serves himself with Hamish's special mild curry apple soup


Rear Entry prepares the Kokoretsi for eating


L-to-R:  Ada, Rim Job, Oxymoron, Spy Shagger


L-to-R: Rear Entry, Mad Dog, and O.T.I.S. after lots to eat and drink


Hamish finally has time to relax


Nobody is in a hurry to leave





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                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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