(North-Central Athens)
Run 1770 (Sunday 22nd January 2012)
Hare: Rocket Socket & O.T.I.S.
Photographer: Mad Dog
Use the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of screen) to view the panoramic photos.
NOTE2: The Lat. & Lon. coords can be copied and pasted into the Google Earth 'Fly-to' window.
- T
H E T R A I L -
The starting point (P): 37°59'12.34"N, 23°48'19.13"E
The circle & BBQ: 37°59'25.23"N, 23°48'5.11"E
Altitude: 273 metres above sea level
Trail cartographic Length = 6.2 km
From 2.3 km up
From 13 km up
The roof where the circle was held
- T H E R U N -
Pre-run circle in the car park
The hares
The hares explain their trail markings
The runners set off towards Mount Immitos
Beep Beep followed by hare Rocket Socket
On on
Returning from a false trail
The runners stop for a scenic photo
Mountain Goat takes the photo
Crossing the Attiki Odos - Immitos Ring road
Immitos Ring tolls - from the bridge the runners crossed
Running past a war memorial.
This memorial is for the Greek troops killed while serving with the United Nations
(UN) forces
during the Korean war.
Names of those who lost their lives
Crossing a flood-prevention dam wall
Doggy Style poses against the background of the dam
Shag & dog with Doggy Style & Clitoria at the beer stop
The harriettes pose at the beer stop
The beer stop
The run & walk continues
- T H E C I R C L E -
Spy Shagger & Rear Entry prepare the down-down beers on the flat roof
Hashers gathering before the circle
Shag enjoys the sunshine at 8 degrees air temperature
The Hares down-down
Oxymoron memorial down-down for latecomers
Clitoria as Virgin Checker investigates Thrice
The hashers look on
Welcome Thrice
GM Mad Dog
Kum Kwik and Hamish McTavish Esq.
Hamish tells the circle about next weeks Australia Day run in Glyfada
- T H E O N O N -
BBQ Lunch at the Hare's Pad in Papagou
Beefburgers and sausages are served & the hashers rush to the table.
Food on the table
Rocket Socket mans the gas BBQ
Relaxing after the meal
send the photo by e-mail as an attachment: MD Feb. 2006 |
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