Varibobi - Tatoi
(Northern Athens)
Run 1735 (Sunday 27th February 2011)
Hares: Chooting Star & Mountain Goat
Photographer: Mad Dog
Use the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of screen) to view the panoramic photos.
NOTE2: The Lat. & Lon. coords can be copied and pasted into the Google Earth 'Fly-to' window.
- T
H E T R A I L -
The starting point
& circle (P): 38° 9'19.35"N, 23°47'30.07"E
Altitude: 444 metres above sea level
Trail cartographic Length = 4.2 km
The trail from 3.2 km up
The trail from 16.7 km up
- T H E R U N -
The two hares Chooting Star & Mountain Goat -plus- Formosa Flyer (centre) -and- Mad Dog (photographer)
OK it's very cold this day & overcast & gloomy - but where is everybody?
Heading into the undergrowth
Hare Mountain Goat with his blue flour blob on a fallen tree trunk
We come to the first of the Royal Graves
Left: Aspasia - Princess of Greece.
Born in Athens 4/9/1896. Died in Venice 7/8/1972
Right: Alexandra - Queen of Yugoslavia, Princess of Greece, Princess of Denmark.
Born in Athens 25/3/1921. Died in London 30/1/1993
The second grave.
Left: Pavlos, King of Greece, Prince of Denmark
Born in Athens 14/12/1901. Died in Dekelia. Athens 8/3/1964
Right: Freideriki, Queen of Greece
Born in Blakenburg, Germany 18/04/1917, Died in Madrid 5/2/1984
NOTE: These are the parents of the present ex-king Constantine.
On towards grave three
Grave three
Marie, Princess Georgiou of Greece, Princess Bonaparte, Princess of Denmark
Born in St. Cloud 2/7/1882. Died St. Tropez 21/9/1962
Grave four
Georgios, Prince of Greece, Prince of Denmark, Commander of the Navy, Viceroy of Crete
Born in Corfu 24/6/1869. Died St. Cloud 26/11/1957
Quote from Psalm 23
Georgios II (B=2), King of Greece, Prince of Denmark
Formosa Flyer, Chooting Star & Mad Dog
Royal Greek mausoleum
Μαυσωλείο παλαιών βασιλιάδων της Ελλάδας στο Τατόϊ
Chooting Star, Mountain Goat & Formosa Flyer
Thick undergrowth in the Royal Forest
On On!
View of the Tatoi Royal Estate Police Station
View of the recently-contructed shelter and surrounds
(NOTE: The swings are off to the right)
Map of the area - showing the royal estate's geographical relationship to Mount Parnitha
On-down towards the main road ...and the BEER!
- T H E C I R C L E -
The 2-hare's down-down
Guess who turned-up late and went on a walk by themselves?
Here's Clitoria returning after the circle was underway.
Down down for Clitoria
- T H E T A V E R N A -
None this week - everyone too bloomin' cold...
send the photo by e-mail as an attachment: MD Feb. 2006 |
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