(North-Western Athens)

Run 1671 (Sunday 13th December 2009)


Hare: Mountain Goat

Photos & captions: Prickly Bush


- T H E     T R A I L -

The lat/lon coordinates of the starting point & circle: 38° 7'15.49"N, 23°47'49.65"E     

Altitude: 276 metres above sea level

Trail cartographic Length = 5.6 km

The trail from 2.0 km altitude


The trail from 11.5 km altitude


- B E F O R E   T H E    R U N -

Sheep grazing on Varibobi with.......


... a real Mountain Goat


Hashers waiting on the latecomers.


Circle up


The GM calls for the hare


Mountain Goat explains that we have a dry. hilly and short run


- T H E     R U N -

and they're off


Mad Dog has to negotiate his way past a bee hazard


Marcos and Sue. A doggie style 69'er


Rear Entry


Bike hazard


Electrocution hazrd




Eventually they decide to try tjhis way


Rear Entry leads the pack


Closely followed by Coke Dealer and the hash hounds


Love Bug leads the stragglers


Love Bug and Coke Dealer by the Christmas Tree


Decorated with Arbutus Andrachne.

NOTE: The Grecian Strawberry Tree (Arbutus andrachne L.) is an evergreen shrub  or small tree
in the family Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region and southwestern Asia.
Edible fruit - raw or cooked.   Greek common name: Kou-ma-ra. Ripe: Nov-Dec.


Black Mamba and Maria will go nowhere on this bus


Love Bug and Coke Dealer avoid the puddle


Mad Dog makes a dash for the ON IN


Founders Day hashers


Founders Day hashers


- T H E     C I R C L E -

Sue, the newest hash dog


Beer spillage by hash dogs


The hare's DIO


Maria, Front Running Bastard


Formosa Flyer returnee


Love Bug recieves a DIO for allowing her dogs to fornicate on the trail


Down the hatch


Rear Entry and Maria share a DIO


Love Bug and Mountain Goat


Mountain Goat couldn't be arsed to run the 10 km. Something about rain..


The GM checks that everyone is wearing hash gear


The circle







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                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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