Run 1650 (Monday 20th July 2009)
Hare: Love Bug
Photographer: Mad Dog
The lat/lon coordinates of the starting point
& circle:
38° 3'27.18"N, 23°49'25.61"E
Altitude: 275 metres above sea level
Walker's trail cartographic Length = 2.6 km
Walker's trail
- T H E R U N -
The runners set off
Heading for Syngrou Park - which the hashers found was closed.
Rumour has it that they climbed the wall and ran the trail anyway.
- T H E W A L K -
The walkers
- T H E C I R C L E -
The circle
Love Bug - The hare
Alice wants to be in the circle too
The hare's DIO
RA Fair Cop with Garibaldi
Wet Dream called into the circle
The sun gets low in the sky
Rambo & The Hulk start singing their amazing but everlasting medley
And they sing on...& on
Alice starts to look for other amusement
The sun starts to set ... and they are still singing
Finally Rambo & The Hulk are persuaded to stop - and only half way through their medley
(by which time Alice is going a little crazy)
Hashers from the Abuja (Nigeria) hash - Broken Axl (Mikko) and Petra - from Finland
They get a welcome DIO from the AH3
Cook The Fook is awarded his 100 run badge & pewter tankard
Another sad bastard with nothing better to do than go hashing ;-)
Get it down, down, down!
send the photo by e-mail as an attachment: MD Feb. 2006 |
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