17-19th July 2009
SATURDAY 18th July
Boules match & swimming on TIGANI BEACH (located just before reaching Tyros)
Lunch at the Porto Fino Taverna overlooking the beach.
7.00 pm run / walk on the hillside around the village of Tyros - starting at The Bookmaker's & Fiery's house.
Dinner at the house to celebrate Fiery's birthday
Tigani beach - The boules match was held in the pine trees behind the beach umbrellas
Panoramic view of Tigani beach and bay
Splash Hashers gather at the house (Location: 37°14'22.61"N, 22°50'33.03"E)
Preparing for the run / walk
The walkers
Doggy Style with Parallea (beach section of) Tyros in the background
Monastery of Tyros
The walker's trail
The kids give The Bookmaker (and other runners) a soaking with a hose as he finishes the run
The circle - Come on! We are about to start?
The Bookmaker suggests Karma Kanik as RA for the evening
Fiery Tw*t the hare
Getting ready for the meal that Fiery had spent hours preparing.
SUNDAY 19th July
The scheduled walk round the hillside villages cancelled due to the excessive heat (41 deg C by afternoon).
Lunch at the Porto Fino Taverna at Tigani Beach again (they have fans and mist sprays, good shade & a view).
Walking the 15-20 mins down the hillside to the beach in the heat was quite an ordeal
(it was worse coming back up!)
Down & down - the grass completely dry on the hillside.
Scrubber poses in the shade on Ligouria beach
After swimming & cooling off in the sea, Doggie Style & Scrubber hitch a lift in
The Bookmaker's boat - rather than walk back up the hill in the heat.
Unfortunately, a large wave hit the boat and soaked them & their clothes bags.
Karma Kanik and his brother play Tavli in the shade of the rocks
Splash Hashers enjoy the beach.