Papanikoli 88, Halandri
Tel: 210-681-8710
Sex Themed Restaurant
Saturday 7th February 2009
A welcome for Budwanker
Photos & Video: Mad Dog
View of the Kouklaki from the car park
Don't stand too close to this guy!!
Sexy lantern
Some of the exotic wall decorations
Legs & penis jugs on display
Erotic surrealism
Salvador Dali would enjoy seeing this.
Unusual place settings & themed napkins
Themed salt & pepper shakers, cigarette lighters, ash trays
Starters with exotic names, rose and red wine
Pass the carafe of wine, Wet Dream?
She doesn't want to let it go!
The main course arrives & more wine.
Fair Cop tests the meat for tenderness.
Mad Dog had "The Lesbian" - pork stuffed with cheese, etc.
Shagfest gets out the cigarettes
Doggie Style lights-up too.
Shagfest, Coke Dealer & Doggie Style
View of the table - relaxed from the wine.
After the meal - time for some fun!!
Clitoria & Shagfest
Shagfest throttles Mad Dog
Clitoria & Scarlet Pimp behaving badly
Doggie Style sampling the wine carafe
Clitoria says no, this way...
Guest of Honour Budwanker is enjoying the fun.
The desserts arrive. The is Mad Dog's "Blow Job"
And another exotically named dessert.
Clitoria shows her "feminine" dessert!
Lemon liqueur arrives.
Clitoria & Shagfest enjoy theirs in their own special way.
Sparkler in the dark (natural graphic art)