(South-East of Athens)

Run 1574 (Sunday 2nd March 2008)

Hare: Prickly Bush & Black Mamba


NOTE: Use the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of screen) to view the panoramic photos.

- T H E     T R A I L -

The starting point & circle:
Latitude 37 44' 18.45'' North
Longitude 24 03' 35.26'' East
Altitude: 3 metres above sea level

Initial air temperature (11.00 hrs) = 20 deg.C

Trail cartographic Length = 6.3 km

GPS record of the trail (with a little shortcutting). Note the Power Station at the top of the image.


Elevation profile of the run


- T H E     R U N -

Panoramic view from the parking and hashers circle area


Mountain Goat warming-up before the run


Panoramic view from near the end of the peninsula





Almond trees - the first trees to bloom


Prickly Bush the hare



Some hashers exiting the tomb


Fair Cop & Absolut at the entrance of one of the tombs


Inside the ancient Mycenean tomb





Stress Cow almost at the top


Southerly view from the top of the hill


Looking to the West from the hilltop


Panoramic view from the hillside looking Westwards


The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra la!





One end of the Ancient Theatre of Thorikos


The road leading down to the car-parking & hashers circle area








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                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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