(North West of Athens)

Run 1501 (Sunday 22nd October 2006)

Hare: All Day Sucker

- The Circle & Taverna -

Photographer & webber: Mad Dog

Total photos: 23
Total filesize: 583 kilobytes
Minimum download time at 28 Kb/sec: 2.8 mins

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Preparing the tankards for the DIO's


RA Fair Cop opens the circle by calling-in the hare All Day Sucker


The friendly dog, having kept-up with the runners for the
whole run - takes a well deserved rest.


Doggy Style & Scrubber pour the Down-down beers


Hare All Day Sucker


Recently ex-AH3 hasher Thrush - visiting from Denmark


Fair Cop jokes with virgin hashers


First Down-downs


Fair Cop welcomes ex-AH3 Master-of-Music
Seaman Staines...


...and asks him to recite/sing a song - which he does.


Welcome back - Thrush & Formosa Flyer - it's been a while!


Who's not wearing hash T-shirts???


All Day sucker awards the Front Runner's
(Hermes) Helmet to....


Mountain Goat!!
(And it suits him, too)


Mountain Goat has fun with the RA


Seaman Staines boldly wears the
T-shirt designed by his wife Bully Off
when she was AH3 haberdasher


It's a design from an ancient Greek
vase - so it must be OK.



Drinking wine & beer before the food comes


Getting tucked into the starters


Then came the large beef steaks (this is just a half) and...


...the delicious & juicy pork chops


A street band plays at our table


The band plays quite well & Doggie Style looks in her purse for a coin to give them.





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                                                                            MD Feb. 2006

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