Run 1470
(Sunday 19th March 2006)
(and at 2 1/2 hours it might well be!)
Photographer: Mad Dog (+1 from Fair
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GM Budwanker is doing his very best
to promote the Athens HHH ...
And NOW for the Stamata hash
(which started from the Semeli winery car park)
(Semeli was of course, the mother of Dionysos)
The maroon main gate to the winery can be seen on the left
(With all that wine so close - the winery didn't understand the
danger of a group of thirsty hashers on their doorstep!)
The theme was pink & Garry
even wore pink socks
Before the run
Thrush has doggie problems -
his tiny pooch wants to run with the hash
-Panoramic view-->>>
And almost immediately the hash were up to their @?#'s in a sea of mud
(Shiva's idea of a joke?)
Spring flowers ...ahh!
The pack make their way up through
the olive trees
Shiva's red-ochre colour flour check
blends with the earth
The smart ones wait at the bottom while
the pack struggle
the top of the steep hill only to find a Shiva-special falsie
Starring Pink Jenny, Spanish Fly & Thrush
view -->>>
Great hashing territory
Rear Entry and new hasher Tammy at
a roadside well
Stupid weed - lousy asphalt
A sea of flowers (camomile) in the
"Flower Power"
Scrubber gets presented with
bunches of flowers
SCORE: Bookmaker & Mountain Goat
- Zero, Brambles & Thorn bushes - One
-Panoramic view-
The hasher's circle after the run
Shiva the hare gets her DIO
(the hasher's were not too thrilled
at having such a long trail - 2 1/2 hours)
GM Budwanker & RA Strawberry4Skin
call Andrew into the circle
Pink Jenny - seemingly unaware
of Love Bug watering her dog Cassius
Budwanker with Tammy
Addie gets the Penis Award
Get it down!
Group punishment
The Bookmaker & the absent Mrs Fiery Tw*t
(Cassius disrupts the ceremony)
Strawberry4Skin calls Fiery Tw*t on
the mobile phone
"Do you take The Bookmaker to be your ..."
Oxymoron gives The Bookmaker the beer
All Day Sucker finally arrives after
extending his run to 4-hours
(did he just get lost? He denies it .. but?)
Pink Jenny is awarded her 100-run pewter
Big tankards hold lotsa beer!
Spanish Fly with her 50 run mug and
75 run badge
Master of Music Fair Cop sings a specially
composed song
And later at
the Eagle Taverna near Stamata Square...
Pink Jenny chats to All Day Sucker
send the photo by e-mail as an attachment: MD Feb. 2006 |