(Northern Athens)

Run 1470 (Sunday 19th March 2006)

(and at 2 1/2 hours it might well be!)

Hare: Shiva

Photographer: Mad Dog (+1 from Fair Cop)

NOTE: Lots of photos so be patient while they download

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Our GM Budwanker is doing his very best
to promote the Athens HHH ...

Pink Jenny - Action Gallery


And NOW for the Stamata hash

(which started from the Semeli winery car park)
(Semeli was of course, the mother of Dionysos)

-Panoramic view-->>>
The maroon main gate to the winery can be seen on the left
(With all that wine so close - the winery didn't understand the
danger of a group of thirsty hashers on their doorstep!)

The theme was pink & Garry
even wore pink socks

Before the run

Thrush has doggie problems -
his tiny pooch wants to run with the hash


-Panoramic view-->>>
And almost immediately the hash were up to their @?#'s in a sea of mud
(Shiva's idea of a joke?)

Vineyards in early Spring

Pink Jenny & Spanish Fly jog up through a vineyard
(Soon the heavily pruned vines will start to sprout


Spring flowers ...ahh!

The pack make their way up through the olive trees

Shiva's red-ochre colour flour check blends with the earth

The smart ones wait at the bottom while the pack struggle
the top of the steep hill only to find a Shiva-special falsie

-Panoramic view-->>>
Starring Pink Jenny, Spanish Fly & Thrush

-Panoramic view -->>>
Great hashing territory

Rear Entry and new hasher Tammy at a roadside well

Stupid weed - lousy asphalt

A sea of flowers (camomile) in the vineyard

"Flower Power"
Scrubber gets presented with
bunches of flowers

SCORE: Bookmaker & Mountain Goat - Zero, Brambles & Thorn bushes - One

-Panoramic view-
The hasher's circle after the run

Shiva the hare gets her DIO
(the hasher's were not too thrilled
at having such a long trail - 2 1/2 hours)

GM Budwanker & RA Strawberry4Skin
call Andrew into the circle

Pink Jenny - seemingly unaware
of Love Bug watering her dog Cassius

Budwanker with Tammy

Addie gets the Penis Award

Get it down!

Group punishment

Hash Wedding
The Bookmaker & the absent Mrs Fiery Tw*t
(Cassius disrupts the ceremony)

Strawberry4Skin calls Fiery Tw*t on the mobile phone
"Do you take The Bookmaker to be your ..."

Oxymoron gives The Bookmaker the beer treatment

All Day Sucker finally arrives after extending his run to 4-hours
(did he just get lost? He denies it .. but?)

Pink Jenny is awarded her 100-run pewter tankard

Big tankards hold lotsa beer!

Spanish Fly with her 50 run mug and 75 run badge

Master of Music Fair Cop sings a specially composed song

And later at the Eagle Taverna near Stamata Square...

Pink Jenny chats to All Day Sucker


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                                                                            MD Feb. 2006

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