(Northern Athens)
Sunday 26th December 2004
Boxing Day Run
The Bookmaker
Photographer: Spanish Fly
Bottom Return
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Walkers Leanover & Doggie Style - with view of Athens in the background
Banger heads down the trail
Clitoria before the Circle
Fiery Tw*t about to award the toilet seat to Banger
(She had added a broken corkscrew)
JM Mad Dog
The Bookmaker in the circle
L-to-R Oxymoron, Rear Entry, Banger, Doggie Style, Paula
Lisa gets a Down Down
New Boots Ben is inspected by Clitoria
More inspecting...
Fiery Tw*t gets in motion and the resulting ground tremble shakes the hashers
and the camera.
Now you know what caused the great 8.9 earthquake in SE Asia -
The Seismologists haven't yet figured that the seismic energy originated in
Mountain Goat
(Note Banger behind with the toilet seat award)
Mountain Goat again - with Oxymoron
Rear Entry gets a ceramic 100 run mug
(It should have been a pewter tankard - but S4S has them and he's away)
Jenny pets Ski held by Blue Nun (who's visiting brother is standing between
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