Vomos Dionysos
(Northern Athens - Close to the Sanctuary of Dionysos)

Note: Vomos means altar or place of sacrifice

Run 1367 (Sun. 2nd May 2004)

Hares: Camel F-r, Two Moons Rising, Titty Licker, Nadine

Photographer: Captain Sumo

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Mountain Goat charging his batteries before the run

The run is on

On down the gully

Cocks Tale charges round the corner

On straight

Highland hashers

On and gently up

Arriving at a check (part of Pendeli mountain in the background)

The Bookmaker comes into view

On up, up & up

And more uphill effort with rewarding views

Rim Job ponders the local marble quarry
The marble is being removed from the inside the hill - will it collapse someday?

Oxymoron & Flowery Tw*t

The Bookmaker with Carmen

Mad Dog & Captain Sumo near the end of the long run

Cocks Tale in a state of total relaxation (or is it exhaustion?)

Pop Up with his mean machine

The hares & their trail are evaluated in the circle

Nadine dons her virgin hare T-shirt

Checking wounds & scratches

The Bookmaker, Men-in-Gytis & FT

FT celebrating a flying club award

Mountain Goat & The Bookmaker

Cocks-n-Balls receives his 50th run badge -
and Pop Up finally gets his 50th run mug
(Our potter Simos takes his time in producing the mugs for us)

Rim Job & a virgin hasher friend

Captain Sumo & The Bookmaker in the circle

Cocks Tale with her 25 run badge & mug

FT gets a DIO for something or other

Bursting Bladder & The Dyke posing with their newly acquired Mercedes

At the Dionysos Taverna (conveniently close to the run)

The Dyke with Bursting Bladder at the Taverna

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