(North-western Athens)

Run 1365 (Sun. 18th April 2004)

Hares: Cocks-n-Balls & Clitoria

Photographer: Captain Sumo

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Clitoria - knackered from laying the (unintentionally) long trail just before the run
prepares herself for running it all over again with the hounds.

The returning hares make their entrance - Cocks-n-Balls with Clitoria

And the hounds are off searching for the trail

Snowballs & Alexis in the foreground

On-On & up

Pop Up says "this way"

Panoramic view of the trail

Up again

All the way up

And now down again

Two tired hares get their DIO's in the circle


Rim Job appointed JM for the day

Rim Job lamenting something

Hash horror

Horror hides behind Clitoria

Another horror picture

Artistic picture

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