(Northern-West of Athens)

Run 1363 (Sun. 4th April 2004)

Yes, the date is 040404, so FOUR down-downs FOR FOReskin

Hares: Mountain Goat & The Bookmaker

Photographer: Captain Sumo

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..and On-On

Clitoria - posing ..errr checking

On back

The Bookmaker

On down

Flowery Tw*t hugging the check

Checking again

On-On called

...and On-On

The flowers that bloom in the Spring,tra la!

Flowery Tw*t & Cock's Tale

And after the run at the circle, the Hares down-down's

Twisted Bitch gets a dog's poo DIO

Men-in-Gytis fingers another hasher

The Bookmaker catches airborne beer

Rimjob suffered a bumper

CU next Tuesday gets a down-down

Hashers with only a nerd name

Mountain Goat and better half Sh*g

JM Strawberry Foreskin says...
"Come on hashers you can't be serious?"

Later, at the Taverna - what is Carmen doing?

Taverna scene


Taverna - Can't Get Laid & CU next Tuesday

Bursting Bladder & The Dyke

Can't Get Laid's head and Captain Sumo with
Bursting Bladder & The Dyke

Getting stuck into the grub!

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