Marathon Lake
(North of Athens)


(In honour of our founder Brian Gray & founding run - Papagou, 2nd December 1978)

Run 1289 (Sun. 1st December, 2002)

Hares: Bookmaker & Mountain Goat

Photographer: Bookmaker

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THE TRAIL took the hashers down & along the bottom of the beautiful, lushly-vegetated, steeply sided valley downstream from the Marathon Lake marble dam - before climbing a steep path to the top of the opposite hillside, returning towards the lake and down to eventually cross the top of the dam & climb back up to the picnic area.

Because of the rain the Circle was held under cover -
at a picnic area quite close to the lake and the marble dam

Formosa Flyer passes the Chunder to Hungary Puszi
...She poured some wine into the beer so she had to drink it!

The Athens Hashers pose for a photo for their founder

Later, still sheltering from heavy rain, the Hashers tuck into their picnic lunch -
which included hot soup & a selection of wine samples from two wineries

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