Kifissia Park
(Northern Athens)

Run 1283 (Sun. 20th October 2002)

Hares: Shiva & Dwarf Blower

Photographer: Bookmaker

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The hares Dwarf Blower (L) & Shiva (R) get the first DIOs

Mountain Goat steps into the circle

Instant relief for a foot sprain - ice from the beer bucket

Gobbler (L) receives the Shit of the Week award from Snowjob (R)

(Snowjob had painted the pink toilet seat with 'gold' paint & added a plunger)

Rear Entry gets the Hermes Helmet for being a FRB

Dwarf Blower accused Camel Toe of rubbing out a T-shirt swap trail mark.

They have to swap tops in the circle & then get punished.

AllHead, NoShaft arrives late, gets 'greeted' by Clitoria & then given a DIO

JM Mad Dog gets punished as well

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